rtz - 3-5-2022 at 05:22 PM
As you all have noticed; A Wind Of Change is the last man standing as far as power kites in the USA. A new kite buggy must be imported from Europe and
new 4 line handle kites consists of the Beamer, Flux, and Hornet.
Nothing wrong with any of that I suppose. Just not the big selection it once was.
Some of us dabble with the landsailing thing. I also windsurf/kiteboard and the only reason I don't landboard is my age and I don't have a skateboard
background. Otherwise I would do that too.
Since I have a bunch of windsurf sails; I found a way to successfully use them on my Blokart. With that said;
A uncut, downhauled windsurf sail can. Possibly be adapted to ANY landsailer. That's a big deal because before as far as I could tell you either had
to buy a proper sail or modify one. I can still use all mine to windsurf with.
2 key components. An adapter tube to connect the windsurf mast extension to the existing land sailer.
The boom. This is a big deal. You'll have to make this piece but it's easy. I'm using the top half of a 400cm windsurf mast and a friend is using
the lower half.
Cool thing about this particular setup is the more you sheet in; the more it outhauls the sail. Seems to work really well.
Here is my Blokart and my 9m sail. If I own a 10-12m sail; I would use them too!
If anyone has any questions about getting a setup like this going or building a land sailer; let me know. Also; a conversion bearing can be used to
use the 8" dia buggy wheels with the Blokart.
Randy - 3-5-2022 at 05:57 PM
Very cool. A 9 m sail seems really big compared to what most landsailors use. Do you rig the windsurf sail with the usual amount of downhaul
I never did any skateboarding, but have used them (and ATB's) with windsurf sail for a long time. I think the main issue is knowing how to windsurf
and control the sail. It was pretty easy because I had taken up windsurfing before landboarding. Now they call it "Windskate".... In the past year
I've been riding my ATB with windsurfing sail and Wings at the field I normally have been buggy riding. I found that the wings are much easier to use
than a sail even on grass and gravel. In weak or erratic wind, sails are much easier. Below is a picture from when I first started ages ago.
Windstruck - 3-5-2022 at 09:04 PM
I think it's awesome that you are doing these mods but have a similar question as Randy about the size of the sail. The largest production Blokart
sail is 5.5 m2 so you've gone WAY up. Any issues with undue tipping force or ridiculous overpowering?
rtz - 3-5-2022 at 10:54 PM
I fully downhaul it so the battens rotate around the mast easily. I use the 9 in super light wind.
I don't notice it being more tippy.
rtz - 3-5-2022 at 10:56 PM
19m sail