Power Kite Forum

JIBE 2023 Dates?

Randy - 4-1-2023 at 07:51 PM

Just wondering if now is a good time to start thinking about JIBE 2023?

Looking at the St. Simons tide tables I'm guessing dates something like April 17-21 or May 15-19 might give favorable conditions? I will of course defer to the experts should other dates be better.

Any other ideas?

pbc - 4-1-2023 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Randy  
Just wondering if now is a good time to start thinking about JIBE 2023?

Looking at the St. Simons tide tables I'm guessing dates something like April 17-21 or May 15-19 might give favorable conditions? I will of course defer to the experts should other dates be better.

Any other ideas?

Randy, you are reading my mind. The April tides are slightly better than the May tides, but I wouldn't trust that we would get a reliable afternoon sea breeze in April. I lean towards the May dates.

What's more, Richard Miller is considering those same days in April for the Wildwood event. I'd rather not be in conflict with Wildwood so I can attend both :D

Jack.Oh - 6-1-2023 at 11:30 AM

I strongly agree with Phil. I think the Wildwood event will probably be April 16th - 22nd. Randy, I would vote for the May dates that you suggested. That way, I too can make both events.

Randy - 6-1-2023 at 02:17 PM

I'm happy with May for all the reasons given above. I keep thinking some year I would like to go to Wildwood. Ultimately I think Angus would be the one who decides.

kteguru - 6-1-2023 at 07:16 PM

Hey guys. I wanted to make Jibe this year also along with Wildwood. Hopefully they're not on the same dates but I understand you have to go with the best tides/conditions. Can you fella's bring me up to speed on hotels, need to know info etc for those attending. Thanks!

Randy - 7-1-2023 at 09:23 AM

Hotels on the Island were real expensive last year. It is a lot cheaper to stay off the island in Brunswick and there are plenty of hotels in all price ranges. There are also many more places to eat and buy groceries off island. The closest hotels are only about a 15 minute drive to the beach. The daily pass costs $8 (don't recall if there is a weekly pass or not.) I've not done it, but there is camping on the island and I think there is RV parking as well. Plenty of AirBNB's too.

Last year we launched from the Ocean View Beach Park which is right next to the Holiday Inn and away from the crowds at the convention center. I stayed at the SeaFarer Inn which is just across the street from the Holiday Inn. It was ok. There is a Days Inn further South which I've stayed at and you can launch from the beach there. I stayed at the Comfort Suites right off I-95 several times. It was a lot less expensive and a nice hotel and only 15 minutes away. However, the staff running it in 2021 at least were dishonest and added a night to my bill which I had clearly cancelled and a $15 charges for purchase I never made and got very surly when I asked for a receipt. I wasn't the only person having a problem with them. I disputed the charges on my credit card and they refunded me the money. So buyer beware.

kteguru - 7-1-2023 at 11:15 AM

Thanks for the info Randy!

Jack.Oh - 8-1-2023 at 06:57 AM

Hey Dean, I stayed at the Holiday Inn in 2021 it was OK but it was like $189.00 plus tax. But that year my wife and kids were there so it was Ok to stay on the Island. Last year I stayed at the Econo Lodge in Brunswick at Exit 29 off of I95 and it was $75.00 plus tax per night. The hotel is older but clean. There is a weekly pass to get on the Island or a pass for as many days as you want... there is no deference in the price. This year I am heading down by my self again so will probably stay at either the Econo Lodge or the Comfort Suites. Hope that helps.

Demoknight - 15-1-2023 at 11:29 AM

I texted with Angus and he's got the verbal agreement with JIA for May 1-5. We have our accommodations booked from the last Saturday in Apr-first Saturday of May.

Jack.Oh - 26-1-2023 at 09:38 AM

Hi all, ok just saw a post on FB... The dates are May 1st to May 5th.

I plan on driving down Sunday and taking off on Saturday... unless the winds look really good for Saturday then I may take off Sunday.

See you there...

Randy - 26-1-2023 at 04:29 PM

I'll be there. Same as Jack -I'll be watching the forecast and may come a day early if the wind looks good. Hope to see everybody there!!

frankiter - 12-3-2023 at 07:12 AM

Hey everybody, it's been a while. Looking forward to another great JIBE!

Chris has booked a house on the island for the week. Our better halves can't make it this year, so we have a spare bedroom available. If anyone is looking for housing options and is willing to split the rent, let me know if you're interested.

See you all soon!

jrhook - 21-3-2023 at 03:50 PM

Booked:cool: camping!

Demoknight - 21-4-2023 at 07:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by frankiter  
Hey everybody, it's been a while. Looking forward to another great JIBE!

Chris has booked a house on the island for the week. Our better halves can't make it this year, so we have a spare bedroom available. If anyone is looking for housing options and is willing to split the rent, let me know if you're interested.

See you all soon!

Looking forward to seeing you back on the beach, Frank!

soliver - 22-4-2023 at 05:11 AM

Hey JIBE gang... the Fam & I will be on SSI throughout the duration of JIBE, and I'm completely open on Friday (5/5), so planning to come over to JI to shoot the breeze and visit with the gang. I know Friday isn't always a good for kite related activities due to the crowd on the beach, but hope I get to see some of you guys!

frankiter - 23-4-2023 at 05:23 PM

Chris and I did get a roommate. Randy will be joining us and I'm not sure he knows what he's in for!
Errol, I'll be looking for you under the giant Flysurfer.
Spenser, just Friday?

Looking forward to a great week!

soliver - 23-4-2023 at 07:04 PM

Yea Frank, just Friday... someone's gonna have to loan me a kite and a buggy for a few minutes!

frankiter - 24-4-2023 at 09:55 AM

We can make that loan happen.

soliver - 24-4-2023 at 08:14 PM


Interest free I hope!

flyhighWNY - 24-4-2023 at 09:29 PM

Due to my work schedule I am not able to attend, however, I get off work at 6am Friday and if conditions are looking proper for Saturday I may come down for Friday and Saturday. Hoping to make it down with you guys.

pokitetrash - 28-4-2023 at 12:40 PM

Hey I'm back on the site! Couldn't remember my password lol.

So yea, Frankiter and I will be there tomorrow thru next Saturday. Looking forward to seeing folks. Been a long year. I have a 2" steel hitch mounted 2 buggy rack for sale if anyone is interested, I'll try to remember to bring it.

pokitetrash - 1-5-2023 at 05:02 AM

Good morning! Hopefully today won't be nuking and we can ride!

Reminder- The Southern riding limit is the "no dogs beyond this point" sign BEFORE the water tower. In the past we have had a little bit of grace and we were "allowed" to go to the tower as it's an easy mark to see however there's been a change in the folks involved in the conservation and we really need to stick to turning before that no dogs allowed sign. Please adhere to that marker even though it's hard to see - start looking for it a few hundred yards before that tower.

Please remind any newcomers or guests who are riding your toys.

soliver - 3-5-2023 at 05:20 AM

It's been pretty nuclear over on Saint Simons too the last 3 days. I was actually able to scud a little with a Symphony Beach converted to a 4 line kite several years ago.

Hope you guys are having a great JIBE, and hope to see some of you Friday.