Has anyone flown these kites yet? I just heard about it if anyone has a review that would be great.I guess we all know the kite buying thing never
really ends.flyhigh142 - 27-5-2007 at 07:02 AM
Man, I hear ya. I can't believe how addicted I am to buying kites! Buy high, sell low. I was trying to decide between the Haka and the Cult and went
with the cult on handles because it seemed easier to handle for my level of buggy experience. Everyone seems to say a bar is better for buggying, but
I really like the control I get with handles. My new Cult 4.5 comes Tuesday!tridude - 27-5-2007 at 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Sthrasher38
Has anyone flown these kites yet? I just heard about it if anyone has a review that would be great.I guess we all know the kite buying thing never
really ends.
Ping wind of change. He has flown the HAKA and can give the the low down! I remember his initial comments were positive!Bladerunner - 27-5-2007 at 09:27 AM
Originally posted by flyhigh142
. Everyone seems to say a bar is better for buggying, but I really like the control I get with handles. My new Cult 4.5 comes Tuesday!
I have moved to a bar on my fixed bridles but I think that the greater majority still prefer handles. I think when you see so many riding a buggy and
bar you are actually seeing folks with De-power kites.acampbell - 28-5-2007 at 05:49 AM
Fixed bridle or de-power, the bar leaves a hand free for a beer.Pablo - 28-5-2007 at 05:15 PM
Yeah, but with a bar on a fixed bridal it gets hard to play with the brakes. Nothing like blasting along in the bug, riding the brakes a lil to drop
the kite back, get a surge of power, ride it out down wind just a hare, then let off after the speed increase and continue to ride the apparent wind
you've just generated, then crank into a full brake turn and check out 180 deg in the other direction.
Cruising and depower, bar all the way, ATB, I'm partial to the bar all the time, in the bug though, handles any day.awindofchange - 29-5-2007 at 11:55 AM
I agree with you 100% Pablo. Handles are my fav for the bug and fixed bridle kites. Bar with depower. Putting a bar on a fixed bridle kite just
makes them to darn slow and sluggish to me.awindofchange - 29-5-2007 at 11:55 AM
Oh...and we do have full stock on the Cult's and Haka's. Both are excellent kites, the Haka being my new fav!!!