Power Kite Forum

Flysurfer Peak 3-8meter

jrhook - 19-11-2023 at 03:22 AM

with or without bar

SecondWind - 20-11-2023 at 10:58 PM

I don't have any Peaks for sale, but they sure are great kites!

jrhook - 21-11-2023 at 03:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SecondWind  
I don't have any Peaks for sale, but they sure are great kites!

Excellent response time and obedience, which is critical for riding a land board.

Our dear departed friend Mark and I switched Peak kites a few years ago, he wanted the 3 meter, me the 12. I wonder where that 3 meter ended up. He may have wanted to take it with him :(

SecondWind - 21-11-2023 at 03:08 PM

Curious - what wind range are you looking to use the smaller Peak in? I used my 8m Peak for mountainboarding a few times.

jrhook - 21-11-2023 at 03:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SecondWind  
Curious - what wind range are you looking to use the smaller Peak in? I used my 8m Peak for mountainboarding a few times.

Anything that I feel overpowered in, sustained or gusty. That 12 is forgiving but always in charge on a land board!

zracek - 27-11-2023 at 04:33 PM
