Power Kite Forum

peak5 flapping

tomdiving - 27-8-2024 at 08:20 AM

another issue - flysurfer peak5's flapping. here's the description of the problem taken from an email.
"If the peaks did not flap I don't think I would ever move away from them. I don't feel like they are poor performers or anything like that. But I let the bar out a lot and when I get that flapping every time it gets on my nerves. It only does it when the bars let out but I do that often because I don't go into turns with full power and most of my runs are short and I'm doing many turns."
what might be done by the pilot to mitigate this problem? is there a bridle or bar adjustment that might help? or is this something that can be remedied by what the buggier is doing during flight. i have basically zero buggy experience. if i use my old peak2's on the snow with mini-skis, i have a hat and helmet on so any noise generated by the flapping does not bother me whatsoever.