Power Kite Forum

Making a strop, pulley, safety release system

primekutzz - 6-6-2007 at 05:57 PM

I've been searching and searching and come up with few ideas on this. I know where to get materials on making a strop, but don't know how to go about making a pulley and safety release system, let alone where to find materials.

I'd like to know about this set-up for those of you who are using this or for those of you that know about this.

Please help, the last time I went out boarding, I found a great need for this as my arms were tiring out within the first 30mins of flying. I bought a harness, now I need to find out how to connect the handles to them safely.

Pablo - 6-6-2007 at 07:44 PM

Basic strop,

Get a peice of climbing rope, something that's abrasion resistant, probably in the 5mm range. If the handles have short pig tails off the back of where the power lines connect you can simply take a piece of the climbing rope, put a small loop on each end and larks head it to the pigtails on the handles. If they don't have pigtails, wrap the climbing rope around the handle at least twice, once over the flying line and once under, make sure the knot is straight behind the flying lines. Adjust the lenght of the climbing rope until it feels comfortable, you should get a good amount of turning in without having either handle get too far out to be uncomfortable at full turn. Be sure to check with the handles straight over your side as you'll end up like this in a buggy for sure.

Another option is the same thing, but put the climbing rope through a pulley, small $5 home hardware store one is ok, then attach it to the other handle. Tie a small loop through the fixed end of the pulley, about 3" to 4" across, hook the loop on the harness, it'll come off easy enough if you pull down and towards you on the handles.

If you want to be locked in, basic strop as above, track down a climbing pulley, one that you can easily attach to different strops, a climbing shackle, and a proper quick release, Wichard makes a pretty good one. A spinning QR is a nice option as well, no more unlooping the kite or spinning your body, simply flip the handles around and the twist is gone. I like the shackle on the harness and the qr between the shackle and the pulley, keeps the qr away from the harness and anything that might get in the way of it releasing.

I'd make one of the simple ones first, fly with that for a bit, you want to be able to get unhooked easily, you only really need to be locked in if you're jumping and twisting and want to make sure you don't accidentally come unhooked while airborne.

Kiteboarder2B - 7-6-2007 at 09:27 AM

Hey Prime, why don't you come out to Sam Boyd Park on Fri, and regardless of the wind, we can get you set up and answer any additional questions you might have.

primekutzz - 7-6-2007 at 08:34 PM

I have a newborn at home, work at a hospital, and live in southwest Las Vegas. Getting over to the other side of town may not be as easy as it may look to be. I get to the parks on my side when I can and do things when I can. Trust me I really want to get out there but it's all about timing for me. The next time I have a Friday off, not working and not babysitting, I'll be the first one out there.

awindofchange - 8-6-2007 at 12:17 PM

We'd love to see you out there with us. I understand the newborn thing, can be a bit of work for sure and really cuts into the kite flying time. lol

congrats and hope to see you soon.

Kiteboarder2B - 9-6-2007 at 01:10 AM

I can understand man. I'll tell you what. You pick a day, regardless of the wind, that you are off and I will (assuming I am also off) meet you close to home. How's that?

Then I can pull out my kites and show you a couple different setups. Is Desert Breeze Park close or halfway close to you? That's usually a windy spot, plus it's a great place to learn a Dirtsurfer if one was so inclined to do so, cough cough.

I will PM you with my contact info. My schedule is pretty flexible

primekutzz - 9-6-2007 at 08:04 PM

Thanks so much guys. Great sounding offers...I'll make sure to take you up on em.