Power Kite Forum

HQ's packaged training DVD ???

Bladerunner - 11-6-2007 at 05:19 PM

I see that the Beamers come with a training DVD. How technical is this DVD ?? I am expecting it shows the important safety features and the basics of flying but I wonder if it goes further ?
I think including a DVD is a GREAT idea and HQ put together a nice package. When recomending the kite to a begining kite surfer I'm thinking that they may want something like Boost or Kiteboardings simple plan to get the bigger picture.
Can someone tell me to what level the HQ DVD goes with training ?

beachrights - 11-6-2007 at 05:53 PM

Training video? Try more like an outdated promo video about the Beamer 2 - notice I said 2 not a Beamer 3 as you are purchasing. At least this is what I got about 6 months ago when I bought one of the first 4.0s off the boat. Maybe things have changed but I thought it was almost an insult to send a video about a different model kite.
Looks like you also are also waiting for the Ace to arrive! Mine should be here by the end of the week.

acampbell - 12-6-2007 at 07:58 AM

The CD's that come with the Apex and Montana are in fact training videos that cover basic set-up, rigging, launching turning and landing. No dialogue but english subtitles.

I wouldn't call the CD's that come with the Beamer or Crossfire insulting, just not as useful. You wouldn't notice the difference between the Beamers had the CD not been titled "Beamer II".
They are entertaining for one viewing, with a sound track that my wife says sounds like a porno film. Now where she got that....

Bladerunner - 12-6-2007 at 09:05 AM

I wasn't expecting anything too technical. I'll suggest that water folks look at other training videos. I still think it's a nice package for the price and a good choice for a beginning kite surfer.

acampbell - 12-6-2007 at 09:33 AM

If you are talking about training for guys bound for the water, then you are likely talking about the Beamer TSR that comes with a control bar. That DOES come with a pretty good instructional DVD. I sell a goodly number of Beamer TSR's to kiteboarders-in-training as they are often recommended by instructors.

The video has english subtitles and covers all aspects of set up, launch, basic maneouvers, safety system, reverse launch and repack. and the monotonous sound track....

Sorry for the omission before.

wind-dave - 12-6-2007 at 09:59 AM

I recently purchased a 7.0 Montana off ebay but the DVD was not included. Does anyone know where I could get a copy or download? I tried the HQ website, they have a link to download it there but the link is no good. I just had a few minor questions about the kite I thought the DVD would clear up.

acampbell - 12-6-2007 at 10:05 AM

check your U2U

Bladerunner - 12-6-2007 at 01:48 PM

It's the TSR I'm suggesting to water folks. Looking forward to taking it out for a spin so I can relate to how it flies. Hopefully go out for a demo next weekend.

lamrith - 7-11-2011 at 07:43 AM

Hit up Chris on this forum (if he does not chime in) He can help you, he is HQ staff and a great guy.

apextech - 7-11-2011 at 07:49 PM

there was a DVD with the Apex? I have bought at least 3 brand new Apex's over the years, (a I, a II and a III) and never got a DVD, whaa!

chris - 8-11-2011 at 10:41 AM

There are no DVDs included with the Apex. I've never seen one. If there was one, it would be very old (Montana version 1 or 2).