Power Kite Forum

3.6m or 5m or .....

mntboardr893 - 23-6-2007 at 08:04 PM

I have a airrush 3m kite right now. I just came back from Outer Banks, there i took a few kite corses even though i was pretty good with my kite already. There i used a beamer 3.6, it handles a lot better then my 3m and seemed to just be a better kite but, i was woundering of i should get that or a 5m. I live south of pittsburgh and there isnt that much wind, im getting into landboarding, should i keep my 3m and get the 5m or just get the 3.6m, becuase of lower winds i was thinkning the 5m would be better, im 14 and i wheigh around 110.

flyhigh142 - 24-6-2007 at 04:31 AM

You can never have enough kites! It's nice having some in different sizes. If you have two so close in size, you'll probably end up flying your favorite all he time while the other gathers dust. If you get a 5 meter, you'll have a better chance of having the right kite for the conditions. Sounds like that's really the one you want anyway.

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 07:13 AM

The only thing is that i found a 5m for $330 when i was in outerbanks and on the web site of them (www.kittyhawkkites.com) it is $500 so that could be a little bit of a problem, because i dont want to get a cheap kite... cuz it will probally be like my airush and not hadle well...

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 07:35 AM

Consider a Peter Lyyn Reactor 4.9 for just over $300. Not a "cheap" kite but a good value. It is not a lfty kite but delivers good steady power through the window and goes upwind OK. Good for 6 kts and up. For something lifier get an HQ Crossfire 5.0 but pay more at just over $400.

Pablo - 24-6-2007 at 10:59 AM

Yeah, there's a couple options, I'd go 5m for sure, as you mentioned, the airrush is not the best traction kite for boarding, it is a great kitesurf trainer though which is what it's made for. Having said that, keep the 3m, buy a 5m. There will come a day when you want to replace the 3m with something better for boards, but better to fill in the quiver first.

Another option is the Buster II, nice friendly kite, adjustable bridal so you can get more lift as you get used to the kite. Should go for about $350us

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 12:45 PM

ok....so the peterlynn reactor and the buster II will fly good in lower winds and still give me enough power, and since im still learning a kite with steady power is all i need, and i found a beamer III 5.0 for $313 will it handel just like the 3.6 just with more power and just slower

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 01:18 PM

Yup, the Beamers are consistent accross their size range with the added grunt but still gentle as they get bigger. The III's are bit more refined with the added benefit that they fly as well on a bar as a Beamer TSR (which was tuned specifically for a bar).

The PL Reactor will cut upwind a bit better, though.

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 01:41 PM

so the beamer III 5.0 would be a good kite for me and it should give enough pull on a lighter wind day, becuase of the reactor is $375 and the beamer is $313 and the beamer comes with a contol bar, which i want to have

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 01:54 PM


a pic of me and with the beamer 3.6 In outerbanks NC

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 01:55 PM

The Beamer III does not come with a control bar- it comes with handles unless you are working something out with a dealer. What I meant is that it can fly well on one if you choose to add that option. A control bar would be about $80.

You are correct on pricing the Reactor at $375 - ish ready to fly. when I said "just over $300" previously, I had looked at the kite-only price without lines and handles. My bad. You pay more for a more agresive planform that will cut upwind better. Since you have the skills from your Beamer 3.6 it remains a good choice if the budget allows.

Nothing wrong with the B III though. Good value.

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 01:57 PM

wait.........i meant the beamer tsr....

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 02:02 PM

this whole time i was talkin about the beamer tsr....... woops

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 02:05 PM

And the Beamer TSR with Bar lists for $369.99 or MAP of $351.49

You could argue that the BIII with a bar added when the budget allows is a good deal with the added versatility. either way...

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 02:07 PM

actully i was lookin on www.coastalwindsports.com and it says for the 5m $313

this is the price listing
PRICE: $0.00
$237.49 1.8 meter / Purple-Black-White
$256.49 2.5 meter / Red-Black-White
$284.99 3.6 meter / Red-Black-White
$313.49 5.0 meter / Blue-Black-White
$370.49 7.0 meter / Gold-Black-White

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 02:11 PM

that is for the tsr

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 02:25 PM

You are right. I am chagrinned. It was a data entry error. Picked the wrong Beamer list when punching in the numbers. I can't cover every typo but I do give credit to those who find them. See U2U

mntboardr893 - 24-6-2007 at 03:00 PM

but now......its more... -_-.......oh well....i guess i could spend alittle more, and i sorta have 2 use that site cuz i dont know any there sites all i know is kittyhawkkites and that, well there is another one but i forget it

acampbell - 24-6-2007 at 04:06 PM

Buddy, check your U2U messages on this forum

mntboardr893 - 25-6-2007 at 07:05 AM


a vid of me and my 3m, nvr got enough wind to get goign on my board

awindofchange - 25-6-2007 at 11:55 AM


We also carry the HQ power kites and have full stock on the Beamer TSR in all sizes. If you can't get the kite locally, let me know and we can get you taken care of.

mntboardr893 - 25-6-2007 at 12:39 PM

sorry but i already ordered one

mntboardr893 - 25-6-2007 at 12:42 PM

awindofchange, i vist Las Vegas NV at least once a year, were is there a good place 2 landboard there, and the only thing im afraid of is....well ive been there when out of no were there was like 40mph gust

awindofchange - 26-6-2007 at 12:01 PM

In the city you will always have gusts and inconsistent wind. This is pretty much the norm for most cities. The dry lake beds are awesome to ride at. There are several in our area that are only 30-45 minute drive from Vegas. Out on the lake beds you get a much more consistent wind and can ride for miles in all directions. Let me know next time you are going to be in town and we can go riding together.

mntboardr893 - 27-6-2007 at 05:08 AM

ok, sounds good, we go there every year around april for a car show so, i should be able to go there, and actully we know someone who lives in boulder city and we drive past a dry lake bed to get to his house (well u can c it from the highway)

mntboardr893 - 28-6-2007 at 01:47 PM

woot i got my beamer tsr 5m, but it was raining so i had 2 set it up in my house, i had the strigs running from upstairs all through my house and downsatirs but i got it set up, hopefully ill be able 2 fly it soon

test flight

WolfWolfee - 2-7-2007 at 09:05 AM

Well did you get the kite out for a flight?
Fill us in. how do you like it?


mntboardr893 - 2-7-2007 at 10:32 AM

i just got 2 fly it yesterday, i have a diffrent post, but ill explain it on here 2

i got a few good jumps in and it was a pretty low wind day 0-10 mph maybe 12mph gust, it felt reallly good and i really like the kite , one time it flew past 12 then like behind me, some one said to tighten my brake lines, also that was in a differnt feild so idk if it could of been bad wind


that is my other post

mntboardr893 - 2-7-2007 at 08:01 PM

im soo mad ....all day 2 day was oerfect constant wind, but i got f***ed up on my mntboard so i count move my arm , now it slighty better but probally cant fly for at least 2 mor days cuz if arm, hurts when i pull on it or anything


there a pic of me face, u dont even wanna c my arm

action jackson - 2-7-2007 at 08:47 PM

Did it do that to your nose?...........aj

mntboardr893 - 2-7-2007 at 09:19 PM

na it just messed up my chin, i wasnt with a kite but was goign down a pavement hill goign about 30 and got speed wobble

ive been mntboarding for 3 years, ive caught my self from speed wobble many times but this was just 2 bad.......