Power Kite Forum

Search function inadequate

dufobik - 24-6-2007 at 11:08 AM

It appears that the search function is very limited; it always searches for exact string as entered. Am I missing something? How could I find a post that contains the words Alpha and Beta without regard to their relative positioning? I think there is a need for more advanced searching like that of other forums or even Google.

One work around is to search via Google, adding site:powerkiteforum.com to the query. That searches pages, not individual posts - a good feature but doesn't eliminate the need to search posts.

pkf - 25-6-2007 at 12:04 AM

Please understand, we manage this forum, but are not the authors of the forum software. We can make some system modifications, but are otherwise limited to the basic functioning of the XML forum program.

As a free, non-commercial forum, I'm afraid we do not have the budget to install a seach system as good as Google's. ;)

I will search around for any recent upgrades to the XML search function and see if there is a mod available. Thanks for the heads up.

domdino - 25-6-2007 at 02:36 AM

I'm happy with the search deal anyway :)

I like this site, it's very nice and clean and good and you can usually find anything you need fast enough :singing::singing::singing:

pkf - 25-6-2007 at 10:23 PM

Just gotta search for a single words or exact phrases (ei. kite string). Done like this, it works well. Can't search for mismatched phrases though (ei. buggy, string). Looking for a fix.

WIllardTheGrey - 24-5-2009 at 03:45 AM

I know that this is a very old thread but you can use google to search this site just type in "site:powerkiteforum.com" (no"") after your search phrase in google

like so: flysurfer review site:powerkiteforum.com

Or for the idiot proof click : DEMO

Much better than fighting with the built in search function:smilegrin:

pkf search results = 0 :mad:
google search results = 257:wee: