Power Kite Forum


mntboardr893 - 29-6-2007 at 10:22 AM

I live around 50 mile south of pittsburgh, i need some were 2 landboard i only know a few feilds, i have a lot of property but it is filled with trees and the biggest open feild has a tree dead center in it and it is a pretty steep hill, i am only 14 so i really can travel that far just cuz my parents probally wont drive me, even if youu can segest good places to look for

awindofchange - 29-6-2007 at 06:12 PM

Got a chain saw?

mntboardr893 - 29-6-2007 at 07:18 PM

ya, lol but it still on a pretty steep hill and it has trees on both side, turbulance no good

mntboardr893 - 3-7-2007 at 11:01 AM

i found a park, with 3 soccer feilds in line with each othere and trees are only on one side

and one feild that has a highway on oneside tress on the othere and houses on the other 2 sides