Power Kite Forum

what kite to start jumping with. please help!

luke84 - 3-7-2007 at 07:56 AM

Hi iv been flying for a few months now, i started with a baby flexfoil 1.8 my girlfriend got me for my birthday and instantly wanted more power. so i started looking around and decided the radsail eolo 3m would be good to start with.

The first time i took it out i was really inpressed, i was getting dragged every where but i did find it a bit erratic and it was bloody nakering still lots of fun tho! im starting to get a bit board with being dragged every where now and would really like to start jumping as i cant seem to get much air if any with my radsail.

can anyone please advise me on what kite would be good to start kite jumping with and maybe one witch is a bit more tame at the same time if thats possible that is. im only 10.5 stone so dont think i need a massive kite.


zloty - 3-7-2007 at 08:58 AM

I think everyone would recommend You blade IV for jumps.I would say 4.9 would be Your best bet.Talk to Your locals as well,I'm sure they can let You try it or find local shop and ask for demo.

luke84 - 5-7-2007 at 05:55 AM

is there snything esle witch is a little on the cheeper side. dont really want to spend much over 200 quid.

acampbell - 5-7-2007 at 08:03 AM

Look at the HQ Crossfire. the US List is $418 which is close to your 200 quid

Not as lifty as the blade but lifty enough and agood value

stewy - 6-7-2007 at 07:02 AM

yeah id say a Blade IV for lift!! ive got a 4.0m and that picks me up easily n im about 12 stone!! where abouts in the midlands are u? im around south birmingham so if ur around there ur welcome 2 have a blast with mine before u decide, jst drop me a message.

luke84 - 9-7-2007 at 08:39 AM

well iv decided to forget money and just go for it, so now im looking at the blade 4.9m or the ozone HAKA 5m. im thinking more the blade to be perfectly honest.
im in bilston near wolverhampton.

Bladerunner - 9-7-2007 at 09:32 AM

The Blade will hold a higher re-sale value !
Like you will ever want to sell it ! :singing:

danakachewy - 9-7-2007 at 10:32 AM

ive just had the same problem with the same kites!
I went for the blade as it keeps its value and it wasnt my money so price wasnt an object. :D
Go for the blade!

thercman - 10-7-2007 at 05:26 PM

I just bought the 5 meter Haka and I love it. A little cheaper than the Blade and has exceptional build quality. I decided on that over the blade based on what has been posted about the blade being a little more on the wild side. Being a newbe I wanted something a little more predicatable..... :D

luke84 - 11-7-2007 at 08:38 AM

finely decided and got the blade 4.9 and o my god its ace. the lift on it is amazing and iv only been flying it in 8mile an hour winds, cant wait to take it out in bit more windy conditions.

i just have 1 question though, what setting do i need to put the break lines on because there is 3?

thanks for all your advice im so happy with chose i made

acampbell - 11-7-2007 at 09:01 AM

Whatever setting lets it "feel right". it should fly to the zentith smartly without overflying too much. If it does, the brakes are loos. Move them up a knot.

If the kite is sluggish getting off the gorund and climbing then they are too tight and need to be moeved down a knot.

You have and AoA (angle of attack) adjuster in the bridle too. Playing with that could affect where you want to put the brakes, too.

Have fun and be careful