Power Kite Forum

New Ace sizes

ratindahat - 5-7-2007 at 09:30 AM

Hey all,

I didn't see anyone mention this so here it goes. Pansh released new Ace sizes that are going to be shipping on the 16th of july. They now have the 3.5, 5, 6.5, 7, and 8 m sizes. the 7 and 8 are cheaper than the 5 and i just ordered an 8. I'll put up a review once i get it in.


SecondWind - 5-7-2007 at 04:04 PM

Sounds good Dusty - I'm interested to hear what you think about it!

ratindahat - 6-7-2007 at 07:52 AM

Hopefully i will know soon. It looks like i have a couple of weeks until i get to see this beast. Too bad i don't have a blade to compare it too. Nor are there any fliers down here with one. The closest thing i have access to is a 7.7 crossfire. I'll figure it out.


ratindahat - 20-7-2007 at 10:45 AM

Tnt claims it is out for delivery today and it only shipped on the 17th!

If all goes well i should have this piece in my hands by the end of the day. Cross your fingers and maybe i'll be able to fly it this weekend or even tonight.


archkiter - 20-7-2007 at 11:09 AM

Well, I jumped on the Pansh bandwagon and bought an 8m. It just arrived today. The forecast around here is pretty grim this weekend but I'll post a review when I try it out. Honestly I am still a bit skeptical still about pansh, but an 8m kite would be a nice addition to the quiver as I have been underpowered with a 6m the last two times out an I can't really afford a big pricey kite at the moment.

The package is sitting here next to me at work and it's killing me not to rip it open and at least have a look...

ratindahat - 20-7-2007 at 11:44 AM

I should have had mine delivered to work instead of my apartment. I'd be all over it right now if it was here.

ratindahat - 20-7-2007 at 01:13 PM

Update... TNT claims it was delivered. Figures i'm at work right now. I just want to check out early for the day and go fly... Just a couple more hours.

chiefsmurph - 20-7-2007 at 02:08 PM

Wow! I have never heard of Pansh. Are those prices real? That is amazing!

I have been looking into a slightly bigger kite than my 4m and those are some pretty surprising prices if they are real.

Bladerunner - 20-7-2007 at 04:18 PM

I sort of couldn't believe it myself. Since nobody around here had one I rolled the dice. The kites are of O.K. quality with decent stitching. You get what you pay for. I think Ozone and Flysurfer are safe from any threat but for a cheapo kite they pass ! The lines + handles that come with it are less than good though.They don't come with ANY instructions and a few little things like that.
Even after buying an Ace and seeing it's not too bad a kite I still feel uncomfortable with this company somehow ??? Almost embarrased that I own one :!:

beachrights - 20-7-2007 at 11:23 PM

Sort of like driving a Yugo Snowbird?

GulfSandEater - 20-7-2007 at 11:44 PM

Nice place to start for us newbs though at around the $100 USD mark...as long as you veterans are willing to be the instruction manual and DVD that we would have received with a standard priced kite! :lol:

Let me just say though, the posts on PKF and the U2U's I've received have been very helpful. This community has been very friendly to this new flier, and you are appreciated. :thumbup:

Hope you are able to get that 8m up this weekend, rat. Looking forward to your review...

chiefsmurph - 20-7-2007 at 11:48 PM

As am I...Will be looking for a 7-8 meter and am always looking to save money for a reasonable kite.

Bladerunner - 21-7-2007 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by beachrights
Sort of like driving a Yugo Snowbird?

Ha ha ! That is a great example !!!

I must admitt that the more I look into this Company the less skeptical I am becoming. I see them trying to describe how they have worked 2 years on the air link so the kite will bring them and the flyer great Honor. Makes me feel a bit better.
Almost honorable :duh: As honorable as a man in a Yugo !! :wink2:

I also noticed they are looking for distributers another step forward for this company that tries hard from " far away " .

ratindahat - 21-7-2007 at 03:18 PM

so... initial impressions of the 8m.

Flies well and pulls like a truck. Decent lift. Only problem i had was it wanting to collapse the nose when i would turn it hard. I usually fly on a crossover bar and should really try it on handles before i say it is the bridles fault. I'm sure it is fixable, but that is what i noticed.


archkiter - 22-7-2007 at 05:42 PM

Okay peeps, I took a risk and bought a 8m Ace in hopes of a cheap low wind buggy engine (two things that don't often if ever go together). Today I took it out for its maiden flight . Let me start by saying that I am not going to say that this kite is so amazing and better than any other kite blah blah blah. Instead I hope that I can share an objective view of how the kite flew an my initial impressions.

To begin with winds were about 4-7mph and slightly variable (inland site). I had to lengthen the brakes by 6+ inches before the kite would fly properly. I was using flexifoil lines and ozone handles BTW- I'm not even going to mess around with the P*** ones. Once in the air the kite felt solid and had good steady pull through the window and I was skudding 8-10 ft. easily. At the zenith the kite was very stable, but I was not overly impressed with how the kite handled at the edge of the window. It seemed to lose power and turn as slow as a truck. I like using the brakes to make tighter turns and I was frustrated that the tips would frequently deflate and curl in when I did this because brake turns should have really helped. After flying for a bit and adapting my flying style the turning improved a bit, but I think that this comes down to the Brake configuration. When the kite is in the sky it seems like the brake lines that connect at the tips need to be lengthened and the ones towards the center of the kite shortened (yes this will probable be mod number one- despite needing a bedding in period I think this part is just "off").

Later the wind picked up to 10-11mph this is probably the upper end of my comfort level with this kite. The kite was more responsive and skuds were huge. I got one small jump Smile (I'm not really a jumper). I put the Ace away pretty quickly after that and set up the Bego as the wind was picking up rapidly.

Here is a pic of the Ace

So what do I think? I do believe that this kite will fill a temporary hole in my quiver for a low wind kite. The canopy appears well made, but the bridle lines could be improved both in terms of material and placement. Overall I am satisfied especially for the price.

Next test we'll see how it performs in the bug.

Pdxnebula - 23-7-2007 at 12:08 AM

I'll Vouch for what Archkiter just said, Saw her out at the flyting site (after she'd already gotten set up) Looked like she was already wornout when I got there with my "little" RushII 250... We chatted a couple minutes when she asked me if I wanted to give it a try, (you bet I did) Once I got it in the air after falling on my butt backwards (sorry about the spilled popcan, Stace)

It pulled me back forward like it had a truck engine hidden somewhere in the canopy, dragged my 220 lbs on its 1st try, & the winds were as she said "MAYBE 5 mph at the time" I flew it maybe 5 minutes & ½ a dozen scuds later (including 1 completely sitting down about 5-10' ) & it pulled me right back up like, I was just a toy... Im sure once she gets it all dialed in It'll do even more, but from my experience, I'd buy 1, but just for speed sake I think Im looking at a 5.0m Blaze now that I know what something the size of her 8.0m can do & want something a bit faster, (after I went back to my (little) Rush 250 it felt like a "Toy")

archkiter - 23-7-2007 at 07:24 AM

Yeah you did a great job Pdx. (no worries about the soda :) )

I have just chatted with some other people who had a similar issue with the brake bridles and did some tweaking that seemed to help the tip tuck... now I have to figureout where I can layout 8m of ripstop to work on the bridle a bit :puzzled: it's definitely not going to fit in my apartment!

ratindahat - 23-7-2007 at 02:24 PM

Anyone else having issues with the leading edge wanting to fold in? I've had it happen a few times.

ratindahat - 6-8-2007 at 08:36 AM

So a little update.

I did the EPAT AOA mod found on racekites.

I should probably do the proper math and redo it for the 8m, instead of using the 5m measurements, but either way it has helped a lot on the Leading edge folding thing. This thing is a beast. Got a nice 6 foot pendulum the other day. Winds were probably 12 - 15, but i think i could still raise the AOA a few more degrees. It wouldn't fly as low as it does now, but it would be a wee bit liftier.

How is everyone else getting on with their 6,7, and 8m?


ratindahat - 17-9-2007 at 09:48 AM

Another update.. 12m aces are now available. If i had the cash i would pick one up for grins.


SoMoney - 17-9-2007 at 01:54 PM

WoW, 12m ACE........ That my size :-)

Has anyone on PKF ordered one yet?

ratindahat - 17-9-2007 at 01:59 PM

I haven't yet and i probably won't have the money for a while, otherwise i would.