Sthrasher38 - 10-7-2007 at 06:36 PM
My god,
I didnt know how much fun I was missing out on! I was having so much fun when all of a sudden I re-directed to the zenith big gust and up
and away! That was the fun part. Then just before the kite topped out or flew
over I redirected again back forward.kind of hard to explain but if you buggy you might know. Anyway it shot me fast and hard It was beautyful I am
lucky to be alive! Lift then right before you hit lift again. Maybe not to smart that move from zenith to in front of you very sharp. scared the hell
out of me!:singing:
Pablo - 10-7-2007 at 08:09 PM
You can redirect from zenith down no problem as fast as you want, as you already discovered it's when you bring the kite up fast when the buggys
moving that causes the problems, get used to how the buggy feels when sliding, best way to stop is to keep the buggy really low and turn upwind hard,
you'll get a couple second power burst as the kite fires to the edge of the window, then the kite will lose power, if you slide while doing this
you'll also lose all your buggy speed without getting yanked out of the buggy.
Remember, any kite lifts at speed, the faster the liftier, high speed wipeouts can hurt pretty bad. Keep it low and slide the speed off.
Also, probably the best advice I have to give anyone getting into buggying:
If it's going badly with your feet on the pegs, it'll never get better by taking your feet off the pegs, NEVER. Always better to try and slide it out
or something.
WolfWolfee - 11-7-2007 at 05:18 AM
Good advise Pablo, my only comment would be to also practice scudding off your speed to gain control. Learning this gives you the ability to take of
some speed before the big hit lets you have better control.
Proper safety gear is a must, I ride with a 661 pressure suit and Helmet and its worth every penny.
awindofchange - 11-7-2007 at 12:07 PM
To scud (slide) to burn off speed, move your weight towards the front of the buggy (lean way forward) and then swing your hips towards the kite just
enough to powerslide the buggy and kill your speed. By moving your weight forward you take the weight off of the rear wheels and it makes it easy to
slide the buggy sideways. One or two quick side slides and your speed comes down pretty quickly. Be ready though, if you put your weight back on the
rear wheels again the buggy will "snap" forward again. This is best practiced on loose ground or grass as the buggy slides around a little easier.
Do very small slides at first until you get use to it. If you snap it around to hard you set yourself up for a 180 or 360 which can be a total riot
to do if you know how to do it but can give you a nasty OBE if you don't.
GulfSandEater - 20-7-2007 at 07:38 AM
LOL...would OBE be an "Out of Buggy Experience"? :rodent:
acampbell - 20-7-2007 at 07:55 AM
Uh-huh. When you go OOB.
flyhigh142 - 20-7-2007 at 04:27 PM
I got a partial OBE a few days ago when my Haka lifted my butt out at speed and the only parts still touching the buggy were my feet. Scary, but I
didn't crash. Luckily, I was on flat ground in smooth winds. No harness or seat belt. Would you recommend one or the other, both or neither? I've see
Zloty's sweet belt set-up on his gallery and it looks very clean. Dropping back down into my seat was an amazingly comforting feeling.
khooke - 20-7-2007 at 08:33 PM
The thing about the seatbelt though is if you get pulled over sideways, the buggy is coming with you too - kite on harness and strapped to buggy being
pulled along on your face with your buggy on your back... not much fun... make sure you look into quick release options :wow: