Power Kite Forum

Mac bego or Blade?

Sthrasher38 - 12-7-2007 at 04:26 PM

What is the 411 on these two? I am looking for the best static flyer. I hear they are both great for lift the mac flyes in lighter winds But does it create as much static lift? Are the macs better for buggys? Thanks.:puzzled: I was reading also do the macs fly better with more breaks on than the blade? Would it be better on handles or a bar? Asking for profesional help from somone who has flown these. I know its alot of questions but any imput would help Thanks.:tumble:

archkiter - 13-7-2007 at 07:31 AM

I have a Bego 400 (4m) and have flown a couple of blades (4, 4.9, 6.6). Power wise, the 400 is pretty much equal to the blade 4.9 although they are quite different to fly. I would say that the blade has more static lift and is generally an easier kite to fly out of the bag. The bego needs some fiddling in my experience to get it to fly really well. They are very sensitive to even small alterations in line length and powerring placements. The bego flies faster through the sky than the blade and generates more of it's lift from speed than the blade. You can get nice floaty jumps with both though. The bego also flies really well with brake input and makes a great buggy kite (I've used mine twice in the buggy now). Because the bego likes/ needs some brake input it doesn't do too well on a traditional bar. I have heard of people using a c-quad bar + bego with good results but personally i'd just stick with handles.

When the Bego is dialed in it very smooth and perhaps a bit more predictable than a blade (i've not flown a blade iv though).

Hopefully Tridude and Da Vinch will share their opinions too since they have both owned and flown both blades and Begos.

Sthrasher38 - 13-7-2007 at 06:07 PM

Thanks very much!

SecondWind - 13-7-2007 at 07:54 PM

I think of them the same way Archkiter :thumbup:

The Blade is "Point & shoot" and the Bego likes to be finessed with the brakes.

If I had to pick one, I would probably pick the Bego. But I have not tried the 6.5m Blade IV yet.

Tridude had a 200, 400 and 600 :wow:

B-Roc - 15-7-2007 at 02:15 PM

I don't have a 4.9 Blade but I do have a bego 400.

IMO it is a brilliant kite for static flying and while it does take some fiddling, there is so much written already about the power ring settings and locations that all fiddling can be done in about 15 minutes on a smooth wind day just so you can get a feel for the different settings and determine where you like them and how long you want them.

I don't think I would fly a bego on a bar for the reasons mentioned above.

I don't buggy but I think the bego would be a great buggy engine. The bego performs like a race kite - meaning it likes to be flown on the brakes and you can shift the kite through several "gears" if you will by building to top speed, hitting the brakes, then building more speed and releasing the brakes and so on and so on.

I have skied with the bego and was blown away by the amount of speed the kite had and its upwind ability is just incredible.

I have boarded with the kite several times and here again, its upwind ability is almost unmatched and its lift is just great and the float is super for a 4m kite.

Static flying is a lot of fun as the kite is fast and offers up super easy and floaty pendulum jumps.

When flown on a harness with handles, you need to tend the brakes more to keep them taught or you can shorten the brakes by adjusting the line on your leader but be careful as when the brakes are adjusted in to fly better on the harness the kite will yank you down the field the second it is off the ground if you launch powered.

Its a fun kite, difficult to get in the states but loads of fun, I definately recommend it but I can't recommend it over a blade as I haven't flown the 4.9.

zloty - 15-7-2007 at 02:50 PM

Hey Skip
I would say try it before You buy it.I will be today on Ocean Beach from 5-7 and You can try blades IV and Sabre2 to get an idea.

Sthrasher38 - 16-7-2007 at 04:44 PM

Man I would give my eye theeth to be there but I cant working :( Man a blade & a Saber 2? I might quit my job to have a chance to do that! Thanks. Some time in the near future I hope keep trying. Thanks again.