Power Kite Forum

Good First Kite

plaster93 - 21-7-2007 at 06:53 PM

I'm really interested in trying one of the power kites and really don't want to spent a small fortune on a kite, but at the same time I dont want to buy a POS. I see some OK reviews on the Pansh Kites, the 3.0 lengend looks like it could be an ok starter, but would it be tough for a beginner to setup. I really like the Flexfoil 4.5 bullet/rage kite but $$$. The Beamer 3.0 looks like a option also.
Do the pansh kite have Kite killers like the beamer and flexifoil?

Pablo - 21-7-2007 at 07:31 PM

The Pansh kites are not a bad deal, keep in mind though that the lines will probably end up needing to be replaced sooner rather than later.

Beamer and Buster are both options, though a little more $$$, they're rock solid, take a beating and will be around for a while. The Busters have an adjustable bridal so you can turn up the power/lift as you get used to the kite.

SecondWind - 22-7-2007 at 11:24 AM

I'm with Pablo - go for a good name brand (PKD, Flexifoil, HQ, Ozone, etc.) at first.

If you do outgrow it, the resale value will be much better than with the Pansh.

plaster93 - 22-7-2007 at 03:11 PM

Those kite killers do the pansh,Beamer and buster kites have them?

Pablo - 22-7-2007 at 11:48 PM

I know the new busters and broozas come with kS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s, ground stakes, weight bags and a couple other goodies, basically what you need to fly.

GulfSandEater - 23-7-2007 at 10:28 AM

My 2 cents as a beginner: If money is tight and you're not sure if you want to invest much in this hobby to start, go for the Pansh. I just posted about my first experience with Pansh as my first quad line (http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=3937&pa...) and I'm very happy with the $103 USD I paid. The Pansh certainly didn't quench my appetite to fly; instead it whetted it!

Based on the reviews of more experience kiters, I agree with Pablo that you'll eventually want to replace the lines as you look for more performance, but the newer (after June 2007) line sets and controls are usable to start.

If you can plop down 100 bones on your Visa, within the week you'll have a Pansh to try. I ordered mine on a Saturday and received it by 10am on Tuesday morning. Best of luck with your decision.

plaster93 - 23-7-2007 at 01:40 PM

Thanx Guys

Pablo - 23-7-2007 at 07:10 PM

The pricing on the Pansh is a good point, one thing most people don't realize is that you're really going to need 2-3 kites if you plan on using them as a power source for buggys/atb's or whatever. Not many people have consistant wind every day of the year to get away with one kite every day. If funds are tight, it's better to have a set of ok kites than one awesome kite. You can replace them one at a time as the budget permits. If you have the funds, get a couple busters/beamers, if not, plan for a couple pansh.

Buggys/atb's, harness, safety gear will also eat into the budget.