Power Kite Forum

25 meter lines!

Pablo - 22-7-2007 at 11:31 PM

Should be fine, I fly anything from a 3m to a 9m on 25m lines

Bladerunner - 23-7-2007 at 09:23 AM

What happens when you lengthen your lines is that you get a bigger window to fly the kite in. The kite will respond to your input slightly slower but you will have a larger power zone / stroke to work with.
I think most folks fly between 23 and 30 meter lines. Some folks go as short as 10 and some as much as 40.

kitemaker4 - 23-7-2007 at 09:58 AM

25 meter lines are good. Like Snowbird said the window is a little smaller.


Sthrasher38 - 23-7-2007 at 03:43 PM

Thank you.:borg:

Pdxnebula - 24-7-2007 at 01:16 AM

Dont forget that the bigger the window the Higher the kite goes also & in those lower winds you'll get a better chance at catching "MORE" wind up higher from which to power the kite back through, my Rush 250, only came with (20 meter lines- 65') so I switched them to (30 meter- 100') what a difference as far as being able to catch that wind 35' higher up... Didnt notice a whole lot of difference as far as response, but then the Rush 250 is a small enough kite to be pretty fast...

coreykite - 24-7-2007 at 09:55 AM

Hey Sailors,

Double your lines (from 2 to 4) - Quadruple your line drag.

Double your length - Quadruple your line drag.

(Note: the opposite is also true)

Rule of thumb: Smaller sizes on shorter lines, medium sizes on medium lengths, larger kites on your longest lines.

This can vary depending on local conditions.
Example: Every time I buggy in Florida, either coast, it seems the wind is always coming off the land. One time on the Atlantic side, with winds 16-20 mph, my usual west coast beach set-up: 3m on 77' lines, couldn't get above the turbulence caused by the condos and motels that line the Florida beaches. Too much turbulence to ever get a clean wind that day.
The locals were also flying 3m but with 100'-120' sets.
Just enough to clear the crappy winds I was in and make tracks up and down the beach.

Your personal situation may vary from the example.
Appearance items are extra-cost.
Results are for illustrative purposes only.
I am not a real doctor.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama

acampbell - 24-7-2007 at 10:14 AM

But did you stay in a Holiday Inn Express?