5m1FF - 25-7-2007 at 09:44 AM
Yo guys,
I'm looking to buy a new light/lower moderate wind engine, flown both the Blade and the Sabre, but can't decide, so am looking for some other opinions
of people who maybe own the kites and have more experience of them.
I'm going for a 5-10m size, so in the Sabre it'll be the 7m or the 9.5m, or in the Blade, 6.5m or 8.5m.
I'm 6ft1, and a reasonably muscular build, about 75-80kg.
Which kite? And why? :singing:
zloty - 25-7-2007 at 10:36 AM
I would go for low wind with blade 8.5 in winds 7-12mph as You can turn it fast or even loop it to generate power.12m Sabre would be my choice for a
board with wind not less then 10mph.I do fly them in 8mph and it is big workout.
5m1FF - 26-7-2007 at 02:45 AM
Cheers man, you've got some nice pics on your flickr gallery.
You look like you're a connoisseur of Flexi's so thanks for the advice!!!!