Power Kite Forum

tire question (time for new set)

krumly - 28-7-2007 at 08:04 AM

I have an older PL Comp buggy, and it's time for some new tires. Currently running 2 ply ribbed 4 x 8 x 4.80.

Since nothing much wider will fit in the current fork, anyone have recs over ribbed vs smooth tread? Know I need to go 4 ply. I mostly run grass fields, occasionaly get beach time and may make it to a dry lake on vacation...



khooke - 28-7-2007 at 08:39 AM

I've been thinking for a while to get some Big Foot Lites for my back wheels.... anyone know where I can get them in the US?

xxxBUGGYPILOTXXX - 28-7-2007 at 09:08 PM

KYTE SLINGER - 29-7-2007 at 05:14 AM


if your riding mostly on grass you might want to keep the front tire rib especially if the grass is wet or really dry {like dead} grass.

trying to make sharp turns on grass will push the front end out making it impossible to turn until you shift your weight back over the fork

smoothies on the back will help crank those turns faster

help support power kite shops
good tire source is wind power sports

krumly - 29-7-2007 at 08:34 AM

Thanks, Kyte Slinger -

I like your suggestion - I can skid the rear pretty well now 'cuz my rears are almost bald. Maybe I'll get a set of each, so I can swap 'em out.
