Power Kite Forum

Kite lines & Sleeving 4 ProFoil 1.5m???

Pdxnebula - 9-8-2007 at 12:28 AM

Does anyone know the recommened lines for this kite or will I find out when it gets here (manual)??? :tumble:

Taper123 - 9-8-2007 at 05:11 AM

The 1.5 is not a light wind kite for power... but can be flown for a lot of fun. They are very controllable and smooth, so in light winds have fun with it and practice kite control. Zippy little kite and fun to fly, yet in higher winds it can produce a lot of power.

BigSiler - 9-8-2007 at 07:18 AM

Double knot the bridal lines..

Very powerful kite in high winds..
The little sucker pulls hard and loves tight figure 8's.

If flying on the beach watch for sand in the kite, because it effects flight :)

I enjoy mine on those Windy days ..

Pdxnebula - 9-8-2007 at 10:06 PM

"Double knot" Main Bridle, tie off points... Got it... Figure8's behind a stopper knot...


GulfSandEater - 9-8-2007 at 11:14 PM

I spoke with Ted about this today when I picked up my Profoils from him. He said the factory was shipping the kites with pretty small knots to which you attach your lead/brake lines using a larkshead. Some customers were reporting the larkshead knot slipping over and off of the factory-tied bridle knots.

Double knot each of the the main bridle tie-offs for a larger knot (not all of the individual bridle line knots)...if that makes sense.

ratindahat - 10-8-2007 at 09:38 AM

The other people were having problems, like me, with the knot untying itself in flight. That's a fun experience. Don't do a figure eight unless it has a stopper knot behind it because it will slip though itself. I know from experience.


acampbell - 10-8-2007 at 04:31 PM

The poor guy is asking about what lines to use...

something 18 m (59') or 20 m (66') is good for the 1.5. Ted liked to put 150/100 pound test on them but that is difficult to find. I will have some next week or so. In the mean time I have been supplying the Peter Lynn 170/100kg x 20 m, which is heavier than needed but will do well, wear longer and is priced well.

Another real good option is the Flexifoil set that they ship with the Sting: 100/75 kg 4 x 20m, but they are pricey for a Profoil

Yeah, and I've been dumped on my ass by a 4.5m Profoil when the stopper knot let go on the bridle toggle. I a figure-8 knot will to the trick. Probably not to worry on the 1.5.

Great kites, though! Have fun!

Pdxnebula - 10-8-2007 at 05:19 PM

Well until I get the Kite its own set of lines... Looks like it'll get its maiden flight on, 300/80's ... 300 lbs from the RushII 250 & 80 lb's from the ("Quad- thunderfoil", it was supposed to have 150lb powerlines & 80 lb brakes, but I honestly think it was made from scraps off the floor, had poor QC if any, & 80 lb lines for all 4 lines... All more than a foot difference in lengths... + & - )

GulfSandEater - 29-8-2007 at 12:41 PM

Hey nebula, did you ever find your Pro Foil? :puzzled:

GulfSandEater - 29-8-2007 at 03:16 PM

Good to hear! I know you're gonna love it. I shared the 1.5m with my youngest brother who had never flown quad line kites before, and he was stoked--so much that I ended up giving it to him for his birthday and had to get a second one from Ted! :)

Also, I picked up the 2.5m and just flew it for the first time this weekend in 10-12mph winds; it was a blast. Got a few scuds off of it too. These smaller ProFoils are going to be nice high-wind kites to have.

Be sure to let us know when you've had a chance to fly the long awaited ProFoil.

Pablo - 29-8-2007 at 07:55 PM

Yeah, 20m lines,

For my small kites I normally fly on 300/150, for the kids kites something like 150/80, Seems when the wind's up I put at least as much load on the small kites as I do on a big kite in low winds. Go figure. Makes sense though, it's going to take a fixed amount of power to move a fixed amount of weight. Buggying with a fully lit 2m kite can be an experience though, the shorter 20m lines keep it from getting that far out of control. Longer lines give it more time to pick up speed and power.

powerzone - 30-8-2007 at 12:23 PM

I agree with Pablo... #300 / #150 lines

GulfSandEater - 1-9-2007 at 10:37 AM


JeepCachr - 6-9-2007 at 01:41 PM

Sorry if I'm hijacking but it seemed related to the topic.

What lines do I want for a 3.2meter HQ Crossfire? I recently started flying and my first kite is a eolo radsail 6m. Labor day I couldn't fly because the winds were to high and I was bummed because it was a beautiful day. So I bought the used crossfire and its on its way here without lines. Also the lines on my radsail look pretty worn, the red power lines are white at the knots. So I was thinking of geting a new set of lines for that as well.

This forum is a wealth of information! I've been lurking for a while.

GulfSandEater - 6-9-2007 at 01:58 PM


Lurking is acceptible, but we're glad you've spoken up. Welcome to the PKF!

From what I've seen/heard, 20m lines are usually used on kites that are smaller than or even equal to 3.0m, but manufactures will usually supply 25m lines for kites larger than 3m-5m.

Some things to consider: If you are flying around a lot of obstacles such as buildings and trees, sometimes using longer lines will get the kite up into smoother air. Longer lines also increase how long the kite is in the power zone, allowing the kite to be powered up for a longer period of time. Conversely, as Pablo said above, using shorter lines can shorten the time in the power zone allowing you to maintain control of small kites in big winds.

If you're looking for a set of lines for both your Crossfire and Radsail, I'd recommend 25m 220# / 440 # lines. I fly my 3.0m Legend with these 25m lines and it is very nice...still quite agile despite the longer lines. And they are strong enough to handle your larger kite too.

(CYOA Clause: But I'm pretty new to this too, so I'll accept correction from the folks on this forum!)

acampbell - 6-9-2007 at 02:51 PM


GulfSandEater has it right. The HQ CF 3.2 ships with 220/100 kg (485/220 lb) x 25m lines (82'). 20m is good for a lot of kites if room is tight, but the CF 2.3 is already a zippy little kite so take that into consideration. Just like shortening the pendulum on a clock makes it run faster, a kite on shorter lines will be faster and will have shorter power strokes.

Good luck and keep us posted

GulfSandEater - 10-9-2007 at 09:55 AM

:singing: Where, oh where, could the ProFoil be? Oh where, oh where could he be?! :singing:

Pdxnebula - 10-9-2007 at 11:19 PM

If Im "NOT" Buggying(whos got the $$$ for a buggy or a big enough vehicle to haul it in, you ever try & fit anything in the back of a Hyundai Accent) but im only static flying & scudding, should'nt I need more than 300 power lines??? Remember OVERKILL!!!


Its Here!!!

& wouldnt you know it... All our high east winds 20-30mph are gone... Forcast is calling for LIGHT winds... Not even any numbers... LIGHT!!! That comes out to like 0-4-6 mph around here...


acampbell - 11-9-2007 at 04:33 AM

300 lbs is fine for a 1.5 m and arguably overkill.

JeepCachr - 11-9-2007 at 04:43 AM

So wheres the best place to order lines from in the US?

joecat - 11-9-2007 at 06:09 AM

coastalwindsports.com is one place that is good for ordering lines,,,, "Angus" the owner would be able to help you. I have ordered alot of supplies from him including lines for my pro-foils.

Pdxnebula - 4-10-2007 at 02:54 PM

Got the Lines all figured out... Newest Update:
