Power Kite Forum

Blade lift

Sthrasher38 - 17-8-2007 at 09:27 PM

Any new tips on how to get a little more lift? b2-6.4Bridals may be stretched. Dont have exact measurments for them. Any tips besides more wind would be greatful. Thanks. I have only had it in no more than about 12mph. So I am still not sure when this kite wakes up but I am sure it will.:borg:

5m1FF - 18-8-2007 at 05:26 PM

Get exact measurements from Flexi :thumbup:

I'd try flying it in 15+, my 6.5 IV is hot as around the 10 mark, but have a play around; you should have enough lift to tug u around at 12, but if you think theres a fault with the kite; either ask flexi, send it to flexi, or take it to a local shop!

Bladerunner - 19-8-2007 at 08:40 AM

Is it possible that you don't have enough practice at jumping yet to get the best out of the kite ? A lot of how you jump has to do with how you load up and let go. If you don't have that down no kite will make you a 10ft jumper and that takes a bit of time.
Patients and Practice Grasshopper ;)

tridude - 19-8-2007 at 09:34 AM

Good call Snow. The Blade isnt an auto jumper, you have to make it jump you but it can be an auto lifter if at zenith and you hit a gust. Practice, practice, practice those pendilum jumps! I attached a clip for you on pend jumps using an B3 8.5 in 10 mph winds. Hope it helps! Fly hard and safe!

Sthrasher38 - 19-8-2007 at 10:11 AM

I think it is just lack of wind. Like I said the most wind I have had this kite in is about 12mph. And I am 200# So I just have to be patient. Thanks.