Power Kite Forum

13m Flysurfer Psycho 3

tridude - 21-8-2007 at 09:23 AM

WOW!! Just a 30 min initial static flight but man what a monster! As she inflated and rose towards zenith I was a bit intimidated and Im not a faint of heart guy! She flew very well. The kite still isnt bedded in. No tip curl which Ive read is a problem on P3's before they break in. Lift, grunt sure, but what most impressed me was parking the kite (static no apparent wind) near the edge of the window and she sat there solid as a rock! Just had to tweek the bar in every 10 seconds or so. She sat there for a good minute, rock solid and very impressive! More to come surely but very stoaked at this point! Fly hard and safe!

AirH0g - 21-8-2007 at 01:29 PM

What made you pick the psycho over the other flysurfers? I'm pretty sure i'll be getting one as my next kite, but cant decide on the speed2^ or the psycho's

tridude - 21-8-2007 at 08:12 PM


I view the Speed as a racekite. The Psycho and Pulse more freestyle kites. I just felt better going for something more stable, and less aggressive (twitchy, from what Ive read about Speeds). I flew the Pulse 13 and its a sweet kite as well. Da Vinch had no problems with inland winds on his P3 in Iowa and its almost geographically impossible to get more inland than him, so I went for the Psycho 3. After todays session Im sure I made the right decision. Winds in your area can get gusty so you may want to be thinking along the same lines. Fly hard and safe!


powerzone - 21-8-2007 at 09:53 PM

The Speed kites are not for beginners.... they demanding respect and experience. they also are difficult to fly in gusty conditions... power, slack, power, slack.... etc...

good choice on the Psycho3. I would have loved to have sold you that kite !

tridude - 22-8-2007 at 03:34 AM

Thanks Zone and the time spent discussing the FS line! It was a tough decision between the Pulse or Psycho, especially flying inland and at the beach, choppy water, waves, etc. Air, if you have any questions at all contact Powerzone. Hes got all the skinny on their line, and sells them!:D

AirH0g - 22-8-2007 at 07:07 PM

Thanks for all the info, the psycho does seem the better choice for my inland wind, just liked the idea of a faster kite, but if it wont absorb the gusts well then it would be a lot more effort than fun.

Anyway, the new beggo 600 arrived today, time to go open the box:spin:

I'll be checking you out soon for a FS zone, soon as the beggo buzz wears off;)

tridude - 22-8-2007 at 07:19 PM

Nice kite the Bego 600! I see your from Chicago. If your winds are gusty the Pulse would be a great choice, a total gust muncher. Powerzone, Snowbird, Pablo, and Da Vich can give you expert advice! Enjoy the Bego! I'll see you here more than likely, no reason to jump ship and head to foilzone!:D

Ashe - 23-8-2007 at 06:53 AM

I had a 13m Psycho3 here in Indiana and felt it was very manageable in the gusts, in fact, I really miss the kite. It wasn't uber-stable like the Peter Lynn ARCs or the easiest thing to relaunch like I've heard Pulses are, but taking it slow and conservative, the kite never got away from me and afforded alot of room to progress in. It was my first step up from my trusty 3.6 Beamer TSR training kite, though I flew that thing for a couple MONTHS before stepping up and also had the Kitewing to board with.

I only got rid of it because the local gov't has banned kiting on the only lake near me (reservoir, actually), and from a "land only" perspective, there are a couple open cells for pure land use that would be cheaper and offer comparable performance.

However, price aside, I had no complaints about that kite, and I think the 10m or 13m (depending on your size/weight) is a great mid-range, all-arounder.


tridude - 23-8-2007 at 08:54 AM

Thanx Ashe and sorry I forgot we spoke on the P3. See Air there you have it--plenty of experience/knowledge right here--foil....what? Just kidding, thanks to everyone for all help over the last year, and especially to DaVinch who has drilled a permanent hole in my pocket!:smilegrin:

tridude - 24-8-2007 at 08:26 PM

Nice Avatar Air! Today was my second time out in a much larger flying area. Flew static again with winds 12 gusting to 18/20 mph. Kite flew awesome. Power, lift, and float were amazing! Im not a fan of flying depower static, but I had a couple of pendilum jumps that were easy double digit lifts! The lift is very powerful (your going up whether you want to or not) but is smooth not snatchy which enables you to keep the kite in control. The float is almost funny as you glide back to the ground but nowhere near where you departed! Reverse launch is pretty easy for such a big sail. All you do is depower the trim strap, pull back and up on the steering lines and shes up. Once up, release one of the steering lines, she spins then climbs. Speed thru the window and turn rate are amazing. Im really looking forward to getting on my ground and water boards. This kite is simply amazing!:yes:

AirH0g - 25-8-2007 at 09:52 AM

Man, your making me jealous with your psycho. I've only flown my bego once since I've gotten it and I'm already shopping again. The wife isn't buying that a depower is not the same, so i'm going to have to find a place to hide 13 meters of foil:D

tridude - 25-8-2007 at 09:58 AM

FYI--it might be hard to stash a Psycho. The bag resembles a mountain backpack in size. Have you put your power rings on? You really need to so you can experience the full potential of the kite. You already had the appetizer, now go for the main course!

AirH0g - 25-8-2007 at 10:05 AM

LOL, yeah well i've been meaning to build that underground bunker for all my toys maybe nows the time:lol: Power rings go on today soon as i get out of here winds are around 6-9mph cant wait!

tridude - 7-9-2007 at 11:03 AM

Quick update: I found my limit today using the landboard with the P3--15 to 20 mph wind speed is all I'll ever need with this monster. If you KGB and exceed 20 mph with the P3 you are one of two things. 1) A very skilled landboarder or 2) A very skilled landboarder who quite possibly may be clinically insane! I will say the kite is very stable throughout the entire window and easily parks and pulls like a truck on the edges!! The depower is massive and steering control is awesome even with the trimmer pulled 50 percent in. You do notice a power decrease (thank goodness downwind) but maintain positive steering control of the sail. Trimmer powered and upwind runs are nice (no walk of shame, yet). Awesome kite, well worth the $$. Ive been thru a few kites. I would have saved $$ had I bought one of these a few months back! If youre considering depower, this or the Air Evolution X Air for sure! Fly hard fly safe fly it like you stole it!!:thumbup:

SecondWind - 7-9-2007 at 12:02 PM

Sounds like you are having a blast with the PIII Tridude!

Now we just need to get you something smaller - maybe a 8m PIII or a 7m Pulse :spin:

I was really impressed with the 7m Pulse. It rocked in big gusty winds!

powerzone - 7-9-2007 at 09:56 PM

TRIDUDE.... all i can say is ...... i told ya so.

the P3 is outstanding.

like DaVinch said....if your're looking for higher wind...think PULSE ! the Pulse10m is a great compliment to the p3.... good up to nearly 30knots.

when we're at the GORGE, i am on the pulse10 while the LEI dudes are on 7m kites... and of course i'm upwind faster and jumping higher with the FS... people just stare in disbelief.

AIRHOG.... if you have any questions about FS or gear just let me know.

and TRIDUDE......enjoy your Flysurfer !