ladorn45 - 21-8-2007 at 11:29 AM
Hey I know this probably has been asked over and over. But i am knew to this sport and i am very eager to get into it. I have been reading up on
kites and I am being confused from all the diffrent types of kites. I know the two main style are foil kites and inflatable kites. But what confuses
me is the C kites and the bow kites. I know the diffrences and the advatnges between them. But how can i tell which is which. They c kites are in
the shape of a C hence the name but then i see many bow kites that look like a C as well. Also is there any other diffrent kinds of inflatable kites
other than the c kite the bow kite and a hybrid kite. Please help i have never been so confused
awindofchange - 21-8-2007 at 02:18 PM
The Bow kites (or SLE kites) are modified "C" kites. They are flatter in profile and usually have more depower ability than the standard C-kites.
Most people seem to prefer the newer designed Bow kites but there have been some that still like the feel of the C-kites over the bow kites.
Generally, the Bow kite will have more power per size than the C kites. This is the reason the most common sizes average around 12 meter where the
C-kites average around 15 meter.
Both have inflatable leading edges and struts, standardized control bar with 5 line systems. Control is nearly identical with the Bow kite being a
little more technical on the actual settings of the power strap and sheeting control.
This is a very basic description between the two - hope that helps some.
Pablo - 21-8-2007 at 04:42 PM
At a glance, a C kite when inflated will look much like a cross section of an igloo or dome tent, the bow kites tend to be on a much flatter angle,
more like a car's front windshield.
Bladerunner - 21-8-2007 at 08:04 PM
Bow Kites usually incorperate a bridle of sorts to keep the flatter profile. They also usually use pulleys to give the added depower.
There are also SLE ( supported Leading Edge ) kites. They usually take on more of a C shape.