Power Kite Forum

Sabre 9.5M kite

WolfWolfee - 25-8-2007 at 03:13 PM

Well I picked up a Sabre, not enough wind to give her a real try. She is prety blue and white and my first depowerable in awhile.
Will keep you filled in on her progress and how things go.
( really honey I needed another kite)...lol

Sabre 9.5M.JPG - 53kB

archkiter - 26-8-2007 at 09:04 AM

Have fun, the Sabre is a nice kite. It definitely likes to be flown powered up :) Somedays I still wish that I had mine.

True range of Sabre

WolfWolfee - 27-8-2007 at 05:43 AM

Well I had her out yesterday and the winds were definitely on the increase. I found the de-power not up to that of my LEI's. Did some wild scudding with some pretty wild speeds, thankfully I had my seat harness on with a little more padding. :saint:
Hard to go back to a de-power after flying fixed bridles.
The wind got so wild ended up using the 2.5 Century and still hitting good speeds.
What was it that you liked about yours and what wind speeds did you usually fly it in?


Sabre 9.5M.JPG - 53kB

archkiter - 27-8-2007 at 07:37 AM

I thought that the depower was somewhat limited, and also that the kite does not fly as well fully depowered. I flew mine from about 8mph up to 18mph (although at 18mph I was barely staying on the ground when I wanted to!)