Power Kite Forum

4.9m Flexifoil Blade IV - - demo kite for PKF members

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SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 02:45 PM


Is anyone interested in trying out a new 4.9m Flexifoil Blade IV?

Same deal as the Pansh and Brooza program. No lines or handles - just the kite?

I was thinking we could limit it to the first 5 people (within US) at first. The kite will be here from Flexi in a few days.

Sound good? Just let me know if you want it and we'll start the list :thumbup:

Joe Vinch

GulfSandEater - 27-8-2007 at 03:16 PM

I'll give it a go, DaVinch. I'm in the market for a larger kite and would love to try out the Blades before investing.


Sthrasher38 - 27-8-2007 at 03:37 PM

Put me 2nd!! O my god you guys A new blade 4? I'll be hooked for sure. This is to good to be true! You can try a kite for just the price of sending it to the next person. I love it. And would love to try a Blade 4!!:spin::thumbup: Sandeater if you let me know when you get the kite I will give you a mailing address ok. Thanks All. Stoaked! I would have bought one of these first but didn't have the $ But the majority of kites I have now are all flexi so, Yes! I get to try one!!

Sthrasher38 - 27-8-2007 at 03:52 PM

I cant belive the list is not full yet! C'mon people its a Blade 4! Well maybe not every one is as excited as me! What color is it Davinch? No matter they are all beautyful kites imo.:borg:

speleopower - 27-8-2007 at 03:57 PM

Put me on for sure. The last Blade 4ish meter I flew was a Blade I. I'd love to give it a go! Lines and handles are waiting.


SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 04:31 PM

OK - we have:

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower

AirH0g - 27-8-2007 at 04:42 PM

Dude i would LOVE to get in some time on a blade, pretty new here but let me know if theres anything i can do to get on the list and i'll comply.



SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 05:16 PM

No problem Justin. Maybe we can do a 6.5m BIV next time. That would be a good one to test out next to your 600.

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower
4. AirHOg

Sthrasher38 - 27-8-2007 at 05:19 PM

Didn't take long did it? I think thats 4 for cali. 6.5 my mouth is watering. put me on that list too please.

AirH0g - 27-8-2007 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by DaVinch
No problem Justin. Maybe we can do a 6.5m BIV next time. That would be a good one to test out next to your 600.

A 6.5 would be even better:spin: Although the wind will be picking back up here soon so that 4 will be perfect to take a spin with.

Much appreciated!


SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 05:42 PM

Strasher - it is Petrol.

Sthrasher38 - 27-8-2007 at 05:46 PM

YES!! oh, Thanks.

SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 05:46 PM

OK we have five:

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower
4. AirHOg
5. Pdxnebula

speleopower - 27-8-2007 at 06:42 PM

If it's sent around in the order listed it should get here in time for 4 meter fall winds. :singing:

Pablo - 27-8-2007 at 07:00 PM

The Blade IV's are pretty sweet kites, I've had a go on a 8.5m in 8-12mph winds, easy to fly, well mannered, nothing like the on/off performance from blades gone by, Somehow they've totally smoothed out the handling of the kite without loosing it's lift and pull. You guys should like the 4m.

tridude - 27-8-2007 at 07:29 PM


When are you circulating that Combat?:thumbup:

tridude - 27-8-2007 at 07:47 PM

Sure put me down on the list or better yet hook me up with a 6.5! The CF 5 is probably history next weekend so Ill be needing a FB sail!

SecondWind - 27-8-2007 at 07:53 PM

Sorry Tridude - you are number 6 :lol:

However, I will put you on the top of the next list for sure! (especially since you hooked me up with the Air Evo)

zloty - 27-8-2007 at 08:29 PM

Great idea.I would like to remind You guys that I still have 4.9 and 6.5 blades and 12m Sabre2 to demo on any of our kite events and next time You can try it on SOBB or regularly on SF Ocean Beach.

tridude - 28-8-2007 at 04:53 AM


Dont add me to the list. Winds to properly fly a 4m wont be here till Nov/Dec. Someone that can fly it properly needs to have it! Ive had my go on the 4.9--its someones elses turn! Great concept youve started! OBTW, nice avatar!

Bladerunner - 28-8-2007 at 09:00 AM

If the wind is right, I'm hoping to try the 6.5 at SOBB. It is a size I've never had my hands on and it may replace my 7m Bullet down the road ! Will you be there on the weekend ?

zloty - 28-8-2007 at 11:01 AM

I'll be Mon-Fri.See You there.

BeamerBob - 28-8-2007 at 03:02 PM

I am such a junkie now. I just can't pass up the chance to experience a new and different kite. I'll take the next spot on the 4 if you extend it further, or I would be thrilled to get on the early list for the 6.5. I should be getting some winds in another month or so.

Thanks for your philanthropy,

BeamerBob - 29-8-2007 at 05:39 AM

I just found out I can fly tridude's 6.5 next weekend so I can bow out of the blade try-outs. I still want to stay on the list for the Brooza and the Ace. The 6.5 blade is more appropriate if I were to ( oh no not again) get another kite since I currently have a 3m and soon to be 2-5m kites. If I do get another kite beyond the Crossfire 5 I think I would like to step up to a flexi. Thanks again.

treblehook - 29-8-2007 at 02:02 PM

We might can kill two birds with one stone.
If it's OK with DaVinch , Gulf sand eater and I could meet up at SLP one weekend when he gets the Blade. Got a new Kite trike (rockville)
need to try it out. also sand eater that makes 2 buggys I have now, understand you are looking to buy a buggy. welcome to use the second one. pm me if this sounds ok

Herb :cool::cool:

SecondWind - 29-8-2007 at 02:09 PM

No problem Treblehook - just be nice... It will be her first flight:D

I'll be sending it Monday or Tuesday of next week.

GulfSandEater - 29-8-2007 at 03:23 PM

Well, shoot, if Treble also lets me use his Ace 5.0, we could skip me on the Pass the Pansh list. Would that work with you, Herb? If so, I'll let Khooke know since he's about to ship me the Ace after the SOBB.

SecondWind - 31-8-2007 at 08:27 PM

OK - got the kites in today :yes:

Here's the list:

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower
4. AirHOg
5. Pdxnebula

Do you guys want the 4m or 4.9m?

speleopower - 31-8-2007 at 09:14 PM

I'd like the 4.9!!!! If it is similar to my Quadrifoil 4.9 it is should be a bad a#$ kite.


GulfSandEater - 31-8-2007 at 11:23 PM

Please send the 4.9m as it is the size I'm considering for buggying. Thanks again, DaVinch.

speleopower - 1-9-2007 at 04:44 AM

I think the 4.9 is a more usable kite for traction sports. It works well for ATB riding in light winds all the way to pretty strong. It should work well for kitesurfing from kinda light winds up to pretty strong winds as well.


SecondWind - 1-9-2007 at 06:02 AM

OK - I'll send off the 4.9 on Tues to GulfSandEater :thumbup:


SoMoney - 1-9-2007 at 08:04 AM

I just shipped off a small 4m trainer to Texas at it was only $9 Priority Mail, and that was because I included a flight bar which made the package longer. A Blade 4 by itself should be even less.

If your Demo's hit the left coast (California = ) give me a ping. I'm flying a Rad7 right now and would love to compare Blade.

SecondWind - 1-9-2007 at 05:47 PM

No problem SoMoney - We'll get you on the next go round with another size Blade or maybe something like an Ozone Access.

Shipping is not too high, but once you add in insurance and Delivery Confirmation, 4.9s (w/ backpack) cost about $17 - $20 to ship within the US.

AirH0g - 1-9-2007 at 05:57 PM

Sweet we upgraded to the 4.9, I'm so psyched, you don't know how hard it is to even see a kite you want out here, let alone fly it. Unless you buy one online you would have to do some serious traveling for a test drive.

For a place called the windy city you would think there would be more kite shops.:puzzled: Theres only one that i know of, and its more catered to 2 line and REV's

SecondWind - 1-9-2007 at 06:02 PM

I think you will really like the 4.9 AirHOg!

The Mark IV version is more refined than the BIIIs.

It's less violent/jerky but still can bite you in big winds :evil:

SecondWind - 1-9-2007 at 06:18 PM

Not much wind today...so I had some time to get a Blade Family Pic:

Left to Right: 4, 4.9, 6.5, 8.5m BIVs.


Baluk - 1-9-2007 at 09:15 PM

Ahh... look at the little babies!:tumble:

Def. the best colours too.

AirH0g - 1-9-2007 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by DaVinch
Not much wind today...so I had some time to get a Blade Family Pic:

Left to Right: 4, 4.9, 6.5, 8.5m BIVs.


Thats beauty! That 8.5 may be my next kite unless i go depower, still up in the air over the matter... HA! get it... up in the air!.. lol...

OK that was bad sorry, a lack of wind here has created an increase of bad humor.... Ca'Mon wind!:no:

GulfSandEater - 2-9-2007 at 11:39 AM

Nice quiver, DaVinch...<drool>

SecondWind - 2-9-2007 at 06:23 PM

Thanks GSandEater! I'm really lovin them!

The 6.5 is sweet :thumbup:

Here are two pics from today:

Small Static Jump

Blade w/DSer

tridude - 2-9-2007 at 06:29 PM

Excuse me Sir----no lid! Nice jump and DSer pic! Did you get the Evo out?

SecondWind - 2-9-2007 at 07:14 PM

Thanks Tridude - yes, I typically wear a helmet and knee pads :thumbup:

Here are two pics just crusing with Evo:

Air Evo w/DSer

10m X-Air

It is a very smooooth flying machine!

SecondWind - 2-9-2007 at 07:17 PM

It's a great place to ride - but a lot of soccer related obstacles :no:

tridude - 2-9-2007 at 07:30 PM

Nice, a little toe side action! Youve def got skills!

SecondWind - 2-9-2007 at 07:34 PM

You have to with a Dirtsurfer - It will only go one way :lol:

tridude - 2-9-2007 at 08:01 PM

AHHHHHHHHH I didnt know that!

Pdxnebula - 2-9-2007 at 10:14 PM

The small Park near me put up a set of Soccer goal posts, only 2 but sure screwed up flying there ...

stewy - 3-9-2007 at 08:22 AM

My local park has just stuck a load of football (soccer) post's up which makes flying very interesting! some people don't seem to realise that standing right under my kite going "ooo that looks good!" is slightly silly!!
My mate has just got a Flexi buggy and trying to learn whilst missin goal post's is kinda hard!:flaming:

speleopower - 3-9-2007 at 12:55 PM

I just made a set of lines for the kite for when it arrives!!! And also for the Quadrifoil XL I just bought from DaVinch! Yippee!

SecondWind - 3-9-2007 at 06:51 PM

Sounds good Scott - I'm glad to XL is going to a Quadrifoil Guru!

The 4.9m BIV is packed up and ready to ship in the morning to GulfSandEater. Let us know how it goes!

Sthrasher38 - 3-9-2007 at 07:23 PM

How was everyones weekend? Good I hope. GulfSandEater are you ready for the Blade? Did you save my address? Ok have fun and let us know how it goes.:borg:

Pdxnebula - 3-9-2007 at 08:39 PM

Had a good day, made it upto Hood River, Tons of Kites on the River, ALL KINDS... nice solid 15-20mph winds, dinked around with my little Newtech "riptide" Quad, then got out the Rush II 250, & got pulled around a little bit with it... Made some little kid's (he was maybe 6-7 yrs old) afternoon when the winds died down & him & parents showed up but couldnt get his little 0.5m² foil in the air, so He was grinning from ear to ear when I let him grab hold of the bridles on the Rush as I put it away, it was cool, or he thought it was, Im sure it looked huge to him considering he was only like maybe 3 1/2' tall so he had a ball for about 5 min with a 8' kite that was draggin him around... All in all a good day...

GulfSandEater - 4-9-2007 at 08:39 AM

:thumbup: I'm ready!!!

I just hope the weather is cooperative! Assuming the kite makes it to me this week, I'm planning on hitting the beach Saturday for a go. If bad conditions, I'll be out the following weekend again. If good conditions, I'll try (emphasis on try) not to hog it and get it in the mail!

Taper, what do you think about SLP on Saturday?
Treble, you're busy this weekend, correct? :(

SecondWind - 4-9-2007 at 07:29 PM

GulfSandEater - the 4.9 is on the way. You should have it within the next 2 - 3 days. Enjoy!

GulfSandEater - 4-9-2007 at 10:40 PM

Got the shipping info, DaVinch. Thanks! Can't wait to try it out Saturday!

tridude - 5-9-2007 at 05:36 AM

Hey DaV,

What setting is the 4.9 on? If the winds are up Gulf, you better make sure the AOA bridle is on the second knot for your first launch. Get a feel for her, then maybe move out to the liftiest setting, or last knot. If your in a bug, the third knot up or lowest AOA setting will give you alot of speed with almost no lift. Simple tweek, but makes a huge difference in the kites' performance. Have fun and hold on tight! Fly hard, Fly safe!

Sthrasher38 - 5-9-2007 at 05:45 PM

Man today was 15-2o mph wind but there is a fire in the hills and man was it smokey. I did try to fly for awhile but it started to burn my eyes and that was enough for me. The most wind we have had here in three weeks too. Nice family pics. Good to hear everyone is having fun with these demo kites. Gives us all something to look forward to. And what could be better than to try new kites?:puzzled: I hope I don't like them all because I would go in debt right now.:borg::lol:

SecondWind - 5-9-2007 at 07:35 PM

Watch out Sthrasher - You are going to love the 4.9! The 6.5m is my other favorite so far with the Dirtsufer.

Tridude - the 4.9 I sent is on the factory (normal) setting.

Today I was being overpowered with the 6.5 on the normal and I dropped down to the low angle (third knot towards kite) and it really helped tame the power/lift. I haven’t really played around with the other Triple A settings yet.

GulfSandEater - 6-9-2007 at 11:16 AM

I received the 4.9 today from DaVinch and the box looks fine. I'll pull the kite out tonight for a quick look-see.

Thanks for the heads up on the AoA adjustment. I might end up starting on the low angle because I'm fairly intimidated by the size and lift-reputation of this blade. FYI...besides a quick 5 minute flight of one of Taper123's 6 or 8m kites, this is the largest and liftiest kite I will ever have flown. I'm just hoping the wind cooperates with some nice steady 10 mph winds.

But rest assured, I'll be moving to that farthest knot before long. I'll let you all know how it goes! And yes, I'll be flying with a lid on and some kite killers too!

SecondWind - 6-9-2007 at 03:17 PM

Have fun GulfSandEater!

I played around with the bridle settings today on a 4m BIV.

The first knot was not any good, but the three others (towards the kite) worked fine. In the furthest setting, the 4m was really fast (winds were 20 mph and gusty).

SoMoney - 7-9-2007 at 02:59 PM

Hey DaVinch, do you have a link that explains the knot locations on the new blades? I know Flexi has diagrams for everything, but only via email if you talk to the right person in the support department.

Local Weather report:
Winds are starting to pick up over here finally. 8-10mph yesterday :(
Today WindGuru predicts 11-15mph :evil:
I think I'll be taking my RPro7 out for some fun after this post.

B-Roc - 7-9-2007 at 05:58 PM

Geez DaVinch, I was just looking at your pics and I thought the fields I fly in were crowded but your's are like a mine field of soccer nets .

SecondWind - 7-9-2007 at 06:50 PM

Hello SoMoney,

Here's a good link:


B-Roc - I know.... They just put up a ton more nets. I have a few other places, but the long grass really slows you down. There is also a huge sod farm nearby. It looks sooo smoooth :evil:

The kids and I checked out another place today. It's only 10 mins from Omaha and is owned by the area YMCA. The kids had fun flying a Flexi Big Buzz.

YMCA Field/Big Buzz

SoMoney - 8-9-2007 at 10:42 AM

Wow, thats exactly what I've been looking for....
FLEXIFOIL makes a pretty interesting statement at the top...

....Triple A System will fit any kite that has a ‘split-secondary’ bridle system, such as the large Blade III’s and many other manufacturer’s kites (it has not been extensively tested other manufacturer’s kites so Flexifoil cannot guarantee the performance of the modification).

Flexifoil makes it sound with this statement like their going to sell triple A bridle sets that may work for other kite make/models. Or there encouraging others to try it. One can dream, but it sure would be nice to have this kind of system on my Rad7 to give it more lift at zenith on mild days.

I'll wait for some one else to try 1st though... ;-)

GulfSandEater - 8-9-2007 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by GulfSandEater
I received the 4.9 today from DaVinch and the box looks fine. I'll pull the kite out tonight for a quick look-see.
I'm just hoping the wind cooperates with some nice steady 10 mph winds...

Got my wish. Just got back from flying the Blade IV 4.9m for the first time :frog: It flew beautifully! Steady, non-gusting 10-12 mph conditions off the Bay at Sylvan Beach Park in La Porte, TX.

I snapped some pictures and I'll be posting them soon along with more details...but at the moment the lawn needs mowing! :mad:

GulfSandEater - 9-9-2007 at 02:05 PM

Haha! You'd have some serious flying with the 4.9m in those winds (seriously dangerous I'm thinking!) :wow:

Pdxnebula - 9-9-2007 at 05:28 PM

Naw... Im not even gonna try & fly anything that size in those winds... :!:

GulfSandEater - 9-9-2007 at 10:41 PM

I had a second session with the Blade IV 4.9m today...it was only about an hour long before I ran out of daylight, but it was fantastic. Steady 10 mph again which suits me just fine at this stage of the learning curve :)

I added my review with photos to the existing Blade IV 4.9m review here: http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=3162&pa...

I'd love to hang on to the kite and try higher winds, but I don't see us getting anything more than 10-12 mph for a while. So, I'll try to get the kite in the post early this week to the next lucky recipient. You're going to love it!

GulfSandEater - 11-9-2007 at 04:20 PM

Okay, I got the Blade in the mail for you, Sthrasher38. I'll U2U U with the details! Enjoy and be safe!

Thanks again, DaVinch, for making this possible. It was a great experience and I appeciate your generosity! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Sthrasher38 - 11-9-2007 at 05:21 PM

Ok, Thanks. I just got the Brooza yesterday and now the Blade is on the way! About to have a serious kite session.:D I can't wait! I might have to travel a bit to find some wind can't get any more than 6-8 mph. here right now:flaming: But know that I will find some. Can't remember who is after me for the Blade. But please u2u me with an address. Thanks.

speleopower - 11-9-2007 at 06:35 PM

I"m next on the list for the Blade!!! I sent a U2U with my address.
I hope we get some ok wind for some surfing with the Blade.
Can someone who has flown the Blade recommend line lengths i.e. are all four lines equal in length?
I've got to buildup a set of lines.


GulfSandEater - 11-9-2007 at 09:12 PM


I used my Flexi 440# / 220# 25m (82') lines. I believe they are equal in length...I was so eager to use them over my Pansh lines that I never staked them to check their length! :rolleyes:

I used the shortest knot on the kite brake leaders.


Sthrasher38 - 13-9-2007 at 06:29 PM

Hi everyone, Well I got the Blade today and what a weekend it should be! This kite is beautyful. I fell in love at first site:yes: The bag is cool and the kite looks awsome. I can't wait to fly. Yesterday would have been perfect the wind was 10mph gusting to 17. I got some real good jumps with the 6.4. Anyway I am very excited! And man this kite is brand new! GulfSandEater did you even fly it? Good job packing also I will do the same. DaVinch, Much thanks for loaning out a kite like this. I am so sold on this I would love to have one by Christmas!:borg:

SecondWind - 13-9-2007 at 07:36 PM

No problem Strasher - just be careful in winds above 15 mph.

I'm really enjoying the Blade IVs. One thing I'm noticing is that you can fly each one in more wind than the Blade III versions since the power delivery is not so “snatchy” and violent.

GulfSandEater - 13-9-2007 at 11:13 PM

woot! glad you got it Sthrasher...can't wait to hear what you get it to do in the higher winds...it was so smooth in the 10 mph winds here. (Yes, I actually flew it! Looked so good when I got it, I wondered if it was new myself!)

Fly safe :karate:


SecondWind - 14-9-2007 at 11:21 AM

GulfSandEater. It was brand new - You were the first to fly it :thumbup:

I planned on testing it out first, but I spent too much time on the Air Evo :yes:

GulfSandEater - 14-9-2007 at 12:14 PM

<bow> I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! <bow>

Now I feel bad sending it on with grass dangling off the bridles. :cool2:

Sthrasher38 - 14-9-2007 at 07:40 PM

Awesome,awesome,awesome kite.

Pdxnebula - 14-9-2007 at 10:24 PM

sthrasher... Is that your Official Review??? Kinda schetchy, dont ya think ??? J/K... New Profoil review, now in the Reviews section...


Sthrasher38 - 16-9-2007 at 04:41 PM

I didn't know I had to have an official review but Here is some opinions and personal comments on the Blade 4 4.9. Imo very versitlile. I love the triple A adjustments. Yesterday was excellent! Wind was 16mph. gusting to around 20mph. And you know the best thing was the whole family flew it! No way that would happen with my 6.4. All I had to do was simply adjust the bridle to who was flying. Kids, Wife,Myself. It was great to be able to do that without changing kites.My wife said It is a force to be reconed with. Meaning the kite. The kids were jumping all over the place and as for me I was smiles from ear to ear all day. Arms and legs cramping up man I feel old. I had forgot my gloves so I have nice blisters in between my fingers from the handles but that didn't stop me. I know that sounds like pretty heavy conditions for the wife and kids but the kite handled so nice. very smooth flight nice steady pull and fast. As fast as I wanted Static was great. Complete control over the kite I could make it hover just above ground real simple. Turns fast and with ease.Looks great in the air also. In the bug it was easy for me to control.Being new to bugging still, It was more consistiant and easy for me to control than my bigger kites. Not so snatchy like Davinch said as the older models. Well I could go on forever about this one. As you might have noticed I am pretty hooked on flexi. Excellent kite Imo just what I need for the conditions I have I had so much fun with the whole family all day. Excellent time in the buggy also. We were all so wiped out. And just can't wait to do it all again. Blade 4 Is a universal soldier!! To me. Thanks all and wait until you get to try you will see what I mean. Always wear saftey gear. If un-sure conditions start on lightest setting and work up. And by all means try to have as much fun as I did! Thanks,


speleopower - 16-9-2007 at 05:24 PM

Nice review. I'm looking forward to flying it. I've found my Quadrifoil Competition XL kites (4.9meters) very much an ideal kite for many many conditions. I've worn out 3 of them over the years. In my avatar I'm flying a 4.9, I've broken my leg with a 4.9, I've done my biggest jumps with a 4.9, rode the biggest waves with a 4.9 (15+ footers), done more ATB riding with a 4.9 etc etc etc.
I hope the Flexi 4.9 is as good of a flyer as the Cometition. If so I'll be hooked even with the darn crappy mesh!


Sthrasher38 - 17-9-2007 at 03:43 PM

Cool, Make sure you get some pics on water if thats how you fly. That would be awesome! As I am only an inland flyer I can only imagine the fun on water with good flat wind at you mercy. Nice. How is that 10m Blade in low wind?

speleopower - 17-9-2007 at 06:10 PM

Check the review of the 10.5 meter Blade in the kite review section. It's a good kite but a little slow in the turns for me.


Pdxnebula - 19-9-2007 at 11:01 PM

Well People... "LIFE" beckons, I have to withdraw from the list... To long a story to go into now, so leave some good reviews for me to read in the future, So I'll know what I may look forward to, at a later date but for now I'll have to miss out on...

BeamerBob - 20-9-2007 at 03:03 AM

Not to be a bottom feeder, but if the slot is still available, I would love the chance to try out the blade. We hope all is well with you Pd and that you just got too busy for the next while.

SecondWind - 20-9-2007 at 04:18 AM

No problem BeamerBob :thumbup:

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower
4. AirHOg
5. BeamerBob

BeamerBob - 20-9-2007 at 05:44 AM

awesome, I really look forward to getting a go with her. I hope she is gentle with me. Isn't this the "widowmaker"?:wow:

tridude - 20-9-2007 at 09:02 AM

The 4.9 has been given that label! No probs, you can handle it. Your CF isnt too far off from the 4.9. Use the middle AOA setting at first, and make sure the brakes are set to your liking. Its a great kite but does get interesting above 15 mph!:thumbup:

BeamerBob - 20-9-2007 at 10:25 AM

I'm guessing I would have to fly over 20 mph to get spontaneous lift in most cases with the CF5? I have played a few times with pendulum jumps and haven't been picked up yet. Weak winds both flights here at home and I'm sure I'm not using good technique either. Bad combination for airtime. What winds will it pick me up because I have the kite overhead and the wind updrafts a little? My beamer did that with 25-30 gusts one time. Feet were over 2 feet off the ground with no such instructions from me! Lift up and then float down with almost no impact. I wasn't aware of the height except the short guy standing next to me said my feet (legs extended) were about at his waist. I packed it up the second time. I imagine the blade 4.9 is going to be a little more aggressively lifty than the CF5?

wind-dave - 20-9-2007 at 10:43 AM

Can I please get added at the bottom of the list this kite also......I'm still flying the Brooza right now but I would love to try out several kites before I decide what the next one will be.

Sthrasher38 - 22-9-2007 at 10:12 AM

Ok so airHOg is next for the Blade? I will be sending it out on the 28th friday.Thanks to everyone for giving me the chance to fly this kite:thumbup: Bob be careful on the wind conditions as this kite can static lift you I could work it to pop me off the floor and I am 220lbs. airHOg you need to shoot a u2u with the mailing address If you are next.Any comment DaVinch? don't know what happend to nebula but I almost shipped him the kite.Thanks for posting to be off the list very responsable.And I know how hard it must be to have to back out for whatever reason And not just hurry to try an fly and then the kite get stuck somewhere. I respect that and its not even my kite. So I am sure you will get through what ever it is and be back to flying in no time. Hang in there Sthrasher. I am excited for Bob getting to try also.:borg:

AirH0g - 22-9-2007 at 10:40 AM

WooHoo, i'm up already. Thats a surprise:D I'll U2U my info over. Perfect timing too, the winds are really kicking up over here.

BeamerBob - 22-9-2007 at 11:54 AM

I have a great deal of respect for a kite that is said to pull harder than my Crossfire 5. It will scud me continuously until I pull it back up out of the window and then it has me in the pray to the heavens position till I either land it or go to the edge. I'm ready but braced for a pull. I hope I have a good wind for it when my turn comes. Fly with your brains turned on!:cool:

speleopower - 22-9-2007 at 12:03 PM

I thought I was up next for the Blade.?

SecondWind - 22-9-2007 at 01:26 PM

Here is the list I had:

1. GulfSandEater
2. Sthrasher38
3. Speleopower
4. AirHOg
5. BeamerBob

So Speleo is next on the list :thumbup:

AirH0g - 22-9-2007 at 04:12 PM

I thought that went to quick, I saw my name posted up there and didn't look back. Sorry Speleo, didn't mean to step out of turn.

speleopower - 22-9-2007 at 05:15 PM

Hey just for steppin on me I'm gonna buy the kite when it gets to me which will stop the pass :evil: :singing:

I'd like to keep the kite long enough to get a kitesurf session in with it. Hopefully there will be some good wind when it arrives!!! Last week between rain storms there was some big wind.


Sthrasher38 - 22-9-2007 at 07:14 PM

Guy's MY BAD! Sorry for the mix-up Dam! I got spelopower and Pnebula mixed up! So I jumped right to AirHOg.It must have been in the pass the pansh where I read that he had to be taken off the list for next in line. Sorry again.:puzzled:Speleo I have your address I will be shipping this weekend.Thrash.

speleopower - 22-9-2007 at 08:05 PM

No problem. I hope to have some pictures and maybe video :smug: But well see. The 4.9 should be fun.
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