pkf - 28-8-2007 at 11:51 PM
Please please please do NOT post the same message in more than one forum category. This costs the mods a great deal of time to remove the extra posts
and merge all the replies into one thread.
Today I removed several cross-posts and simply did not have the time to merge the replies. My apologies to those who responded and lost their posts.
As is the case with multi-section newspapers, no matter how important an article is, the publisher would not reprint a story several times in each
section. That is absolutely the case here. If you have a very important message that you want to highlight, try using the exclamation icon (or all
caps) along with the title.
Please be advised that in all fairness to the volunteer forum mods, cross-posts (and possibly associated replies) will be deleted without notice.
Thank you for your cooperation,