Power Kite Forum


scissorfighter - 29-8-2007 at 05:38 PM

Well, I took the new TSR 3.6 out today for the 2nd time. Wind was probably 15 mph. I learned the definition of three different things:

1) grass stain (more like "grass electroplating", actually)
2) road rash
3) ass kicking

So far the kite is great, but of course I have no reference for comparison. Lots of fun! I can see that scudding around is only going to last so long before I'll want a land board or something. Can't be waiting 6 months for ice-covered lakes!

Sthrasher38 - 29-8-2007 at 06:08 PM

Welcome to the forum. Lot's of good people here. I like to hear about the ass kickings and grass stains.I got going so fast on dry grass I thought my shoes were going to melt they were hot. As far as grass stains I barely had any pants left.Watch what you wear and be safe.

scott540 - 30-8-2007 at 01:52 PM

I came home one day with grass stains on my shoulders and the hood of my sweatshirt. Neighbor looked at me funny and I just said "flying my kite" Skidding around and body dragging is so much fun. One of my old posts

Skidded on my butt the length of a soccer field this afternoon. Winds are 25 - gusting to 35. Had blast getting drug on the grass with my 2.5 beamer. I am one big grass stain head to toe. so much fun. Some litle kids were wacthing me and just laughing.

Samuel_j - 3-9-2007 at 08:54 AM

took a rhombus 'fly' 2m kite out in a storm force winds in a muddy field at the end of session had mud on my head shoulders and back everywhere els was clean!

later found out it was the windiest day in bristol with winds reaching 40mph!