Power Kite Forum

HQ Demo day

tridude - 8-9-2007 at 11:44 PM

HQ is packin in '08. The Montana 3, and CF2s are awesome kites. I flew the hell out of the 7m M3 and it is awesome. If your looking into or flying depower and/or adding/updating the quiver, demo the M3s. Same can be said for the CF2. Adjustable AOA bridle with "buggy" and "freestyle" settings giving the pilot an option to lift or not (buggy or KGB).
Many thanx to Team HQ for the kites, and to Coastalwindsports for hosting the day! HQ def got it right for '08!

B-Roc - 9-9-2007 at 06:20 AM

Sounds great.

I'm going to have to check out the HQ website as you have me intriqued about both the M III and CF II.

Are these kites available now? This is the first I'm hearing about them other than a post from last week.