Power Kite Forum

not another.....

SuperTed - 12-9-2007 at 03:37 PM


Hi all i got my first kite delivered today its a 3.0m radsail (hope its an ok choice) but what a surprise no wind to try it out :thumbdown: so its all a big waiting game now hope to learn a few things from you guys so dont bite :tumble:



GulfSandEater - 12-9-2007 at 03:58 PM

Welcome to the PKF, SuperTed. From personal experience, this place is fairly newb friendly ;)

You'll see numerous posts on here about the general rule (Murphy's Law, perhaps) that anytime a new piece of kiting equipment is purchased, the days leading up to arrival will be perfect kiting conditions; however, the arrival day or first opportunity to launch will be a lull. :frog: Just ask Pdxnebula about his 1.5m ProFoil he just got, for example!

Anyway, welcome, and enjoy your radsail!

joecat - 12-9-2007 at 05:56 PM

Hey Super Ted, Welcome, I am somewhat of a newbie myself,, not so much anymore but always learning. I started about 7 months ago. I have a number of kites and a buggy now. I take the kites out as often as I can and I have been doing it all this past summer. I am just starting to take the buggy out now. My advise is get the kite out as often as possible, learn the wind window, wind speeds and direction and ask alot of questions here,,, these guys are more than willing to help you out with just about any topic related to the sport. Another piece of advise would be never under estimate the power of the kite. learning to control the kite so it doesn't control you is very important. Good luck/

Pdxnebula - 12-9-2007 at 09:19 PM

No Doubt, Kite came yesterday, No wind... Barely enough to keep it in the air today (3-5mph) winds & 80lb 75' lines for its maiden flight, so it wasnt much of a flight, but figured out a couple things about the kite after flying it for about an hr or so just keeping it in the air & landing it & will review it when I get some good 15-20+ winds & sturdier lines to test it out in...

Bladerunner - 13-9-2007 at 09:20 AM

Hey Super Ted ,
Good choice and a good size. You'll have a blast ! Best bit of simple advice is to fly the kite so that you can fly it blind. If you don't have to think too hard about the kites position then moving on is a whole lot easier. As Joe Cat says: Get out and fly it every chance you get ! Might be a good time to start explaining to family and friends why your behavior is changing. That you get twitchy when the wind blows. :smug:

SuperTed - 13-9-2007 at 02:48 PM

Haha.. for the wind to even start to blow would be a nice thing apparently there should be some 15mph winds tomorrow so il be able to get a feel of the kite at least :tumble:

SuperTed - 14-9-2007 at 12:05 PM

woo the weather man was right!! :lol: some nice wind today not exactly strong winds but it was enough to get used to the kite etc! it was quite fun lets hope the wind is even better tomorow!! :saint:

5m1FF - 14-9-2007 at 12:18 PM

I see another getting hooked!!!!

It's those first few good flights which mean you can never stop! lol.

SuperTed - 14-9-2007 at 12:27 PM

:D i fancy a trip to the beach tomorrow well if you can call englands "bad excuse for a beach" an actual beach :P anyone from the uk recommend any around the south east? :cool2:

Pdxnebula - 14-9-2007 at 10:42 PM

(09/14/07)Im thinking the same thing here, gotta get the new ProFoil in the air & HoodRiver sounds like it may be NICE winds tomarrow, 20-30mph (before the rains their forecasting late Sunday & Monday) ....


I should've gone up to HoodRiver today(09/15/07) , 15-20mph blowin there most of the afternoon, but gotta make the LittleLady & kid happy every now & then, so stayed in town & went to a small kite festival, but couldnt get the new ProFoil 1.5m, or RushII 250, to do squat... Was a drag watching ultralight deltas all afternoon (No Winds) & Me the only 1 who had ANY kind of Foils up...


SuperTed - 15-9-2007 at 07:09 AM

il jump on the plane now! :spin: :P

SoMoney - 15-9-2007 at 12:29 PM

Welcome aboard, The 3.0 Radsail Pro II is a fast and fun kite(I have a Radsail7)! Winter is coming and with it stronger winds :thumbup: . You should have a blast. If your first drag gets you hooked, your first AIR will send you back to powerkiteforum's WANTED group for a bigger sail :yes: for your soon to be quiver!

SuperTed - 16-9-2007 at 05:47 PM

woo!! got the kite out again today well... yesterday if you want to be picky!! the winds were much stronger than they were first flight, apart from whilst "resting my arms" for a brief moment with the kite up in the zenith the kite dropped and a big gust caught me out and nearly had me dragged across the field :lol: but it was all good fun!

Bladerunner - 17-9-2007 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by SuperTed
woo!! got the kite out again today well... yesterday if you want to be picky!! the winds were much stronger than they were first flight, apart from whilst "resting my arms" for a brief moment with the kite up in the zenith the kite dropped and a big gust caught me out and nearly had me dragged across the field :lol: but it was all good fun!

Getting dragged accross the field is what it's all about :thumbup:
It's not uncommon for the kite to fall back like that when the wind isn't constant. The trick when that happens is to turn the kite and start flying it to the side of the window. It will still SNAP back to life but wiil zip over to the side and lose power rather than chuck you down wind :spin:
Very soon you will be able to control when that power comes on and off and be dragging yourself ( scudding ) downwind until yor arms nearly fall off. THEN we'll tell you about HARNESES :wink2:

GOATPETER - 17-9-2007 at 11:14 PM

super ted how is your rad sail i am just about to purchase one hope they ok can you give me any plus`s minus`s


GOATPETER - 17-9-2007 at 11:25 PM

ME14 3LD good hill for flying in kent near maidstone super ted
put postcode in goggle maps follow small road to top of hill great area
try goggle earth as well for view

SuperTed - 18-9-2007 at 05:16 AM

Originally posted by GOATPETER
super ted how is your rad sail i am just about to purchase one hope they ok can you give me any plus`s minus`s


well im only a newb so i cant really tell the plus and minus's of a kite but i can say it has alot more pull (horizontal obviously) than i thought it would its pretty stable though would definatly recommend it as a beginners kite and it will fly straight out of the bag no problems! :cool2: hmm saying all this and the wind is blowing hard outside... bye!! :spin:

BeamerBob - 18-9-2007 at 05:48 AM

Dang it, we have 11 mph winds and I am stuck here in the office.:ticking:

Sthrasher38 - 22-9-2007 at 07:39 PM

Get out of the office bob.It will still be there in a hour or two but the wind won't! Have your wife,Kids,Girlfriend. Hell I'll call and get you out of work. You know the old:My uncle cousins brothers friend has an emergency. Just do like I did and get the whole office to fly!Well I dont work in a office but I did get 4 out of five flying! They all know that lifes to short and so are wind conditions inland. So if I am late for work or take a long lunch when the wind is blowing they know where I am Or just call to say where ya at. I guess I am pretty lucky.So moral of story:Someones going to like this... Live-to-fly!!!:borg:

Bladerunner - 23-9-2007 at 08:22 AM

I read an article a while ago and they asked Seniors if they regretted skipping out of school and or work to enjoy a " personal " day off. Non of them felt ANY REGRET !!:spin:

Think about THAT the next time the wind blows !!! :P

SuperTed - 23-9-2007 at 04:18 PM

Well... went out in some strong winds on the beach on friday,saturday and sunday was great fun!! much more fun than flying on grass.. :singing: not sure how strong the winds were but
they were averaging 25+ and gusting pretty high! feel the need for a bigger kite for low winds now :puzzled:

Pdxnebula - 23-9-2007 at 11:24 PM

Good thing I got in the flying I did, last evening- yesterday... Didnt have Squat here for winds today... Can still hardly wait to see what the ProFoil will really do in 20-25mph winds... fastest its flown in so far is, 14kts-16mph...

The RushII 250 has been flown in, as high as 32mph so far... Fun...

But had it been the ProFoil... Lol, just thinking aloud...

Sthrasher38 - 24-9-2007 at 04:11 PM

Beamer Bob, Quit looking out the window and go fly your kite. You have to get ready you have the Brooza and the Blade comming your way.Practice,Pratice.:borg:

BeamerBob - 24-9-2007 at 08:41 PM

I got the CF out yesterday and the wind would blow just enough for me to walk over to the soccer field. Then it would stop. I couldn't even justify getting it out of the bag. I was there for over 2 hours and it wouldn't blow enough to fly. I keep 2 kites in the car at all times but tis'nt the season I guess. Things should pick up soon I imagine with some cooler weather. Otherwise, I'm going to find someone to drive me around in the back of their golf cart. I need a wind fix!

Sthrasher38 - 25-9-2007 at 04:01 PM

me Too! :borg: