reefro - 22-9-2007 at 09:58 AM
is an 8-10mph wind decent for a first attempt with the beamer iii 3.0??? or should i let it pick up a bit more first?
coreykite - 22-9-2007 at 10:43 AM
Hey Sailor,
An 8-10 mph wind is OK for the kite, but is it enough for you?
Do you already have sport kite experience?
Was the field open or ringed by trees or hills?
How do you know the windspeed?
Carry a meter?
The marketplace focuses our attention on the gear...
"Buy this and be the Man"
But we quickly learn it is like carpentry.
Want to be a master carpenter?
It takes more than the Bob Vila signature hammer.
You must practice building and hammering.
Where are you?
What are your intentions with this power kite?
(Keep it clean - No groping below the waist)
Safen Up! Buggy On!
"Often wrong... Never in doubt"
the coreylama
reefro - 22-9-2007 at 12:31 PM
hey hey corey! this is arif.. remember me? sooo, to answer some of your
questions above... i have experience with two line stunt kites but nothing big like this! you know about the wind meter, so at the moment im just
looking at the wind report from the local airport which is right next to the beach that i will be going to... i'm in arcata, northern california -
for now i am just wanting to learn how to control it and eventually buggy in it! here is the area where i am just if you're curious..
thanks again corey, i think i'll give it a shot
Bladerunner - 22-9-2007 at 02:10 PM
There is a bit of a difference between enough wind to fly your kite and enough to be properly powered. If you are at the bottom end of wind speed to
fly the trick is to keep the kite moving and creating it's own ( apparent ) wind via it's own speed through the window. If the wind is too light and
you stop moving it , it will likely fall back and deflate.
When the wind is higher and what I would consider the start of the properly powered zone the kite should be able to sit at any point along the edge of
the window . IE above your head at zeneth and all the way along the edge of the window until one wingtip is just about touching the ground . That is
the spot you would launch + land with a partner . Something you should teach her to do with you in higher winds.
If there is enough wind for the kite to sit happily at Zenith ( in clean wind ) there is likely enough power to get going on your ride. Too much power
is when the kite is overhead and lifting you to the point you don't have safe traction.
Your G.F. doesn't have to reset the kite for you unless you are flying it 2 line. If it ends up nose down you can " reverse launch " it !!! Pull
lightly on the back 2 lines and the kite should lift up and start to fly bacwards + start to flip right or left. Go with that flip action until the
kite is almost over then fly off using the front lines. Don't jerk on the back brake lines or pull them too much. Pull back slowly . Most beginers
work the brakes way too much at 1st. Just nice and slow until it starts to fly pull too much and it won't.
Hope that helps !