treblehook - 28-9-2007 at 08:46 PM
Hey to all,
Was thinking about the next step in my buggy learning.
Talking about a harness---seat harness.
Been reading around , and favoring the Da Kine 2007 Speed Seat
with a roller spreader bar---I use handles.
they have 6"-10" and 12"---what are the pros and cons on the spreader bar sizes?---- also pad good investment?
Thanks Herb
ripsessionkites - 29-9-2007 at 02:09 AM
I use a 07' Dakine Fusion Harness, with a 10" Hammerhead Speader, and using the bar pad.
I like the Hammerhead more than the regular hook, its got more of a curve, so even if you link line (strop) goes slack it hangs on. I use to have a
roller speader bar, but I found that after time the bolt starts to bend, and the roller just sticks, and the link line starts to wears down the heavy
The bar pad is cheap, and helps in the long run. Dunno about you but I like comfort, and the pad feels nicer than just having a speader bar across
your waist. the pad also keep the spreader from rising upwards, and having the speader ends digging into your waist.
WolfWolfee - 29-9-2007 at 08:57 AM
I use the Dakine XL seat, find it very comfortable and save your butt when scudding along. I have had to modify my bars to fit ever so slightly but
with the system pulls very evenly and don't need a pad.
It is definitely a matter of choice and feel and off course size.
Pablo - 29-9-2007 at 07:15 PM
I have the Pro-limit seat harness, love it to bits, forget the things on, I usually use a pulley/quick release system. I find that when flying
aggressively with a well powered kite I burn out the average factory strop in one session. With a pulley in the works I get at least a couple months
out of one before I have to make up a replacement.
kitemaker4 - 30-9-2007 at 02:49 PM
If you have a roller on your spreader bar you will not wear it out as fast if your link line is at least 1/4 inch round. The smaller diameter you go
on your link line it will cut a grove in the roller real fast.
xxxBUGGYPILOTXXX - 30-9-2007 at 10:12 PM