Power Kite Forum


NPWfever - 2-10-2007 at 05:27 PM

I have an NPW 5.5 meter and it has enough power to lift me but I cant do any real jumps with it (I cant do any pendulum as I fear the kite is too slow) Any tips? Any other NPW flyers? So this is what i have tried 4 feet is my highest but that is just ripping on the power lines while running. For a pendulum I should pull my right handle back and left away then pull the left handle back and right handle out run back to the right then pull right handle back and left handle out and jump. is that correct? if so what should i be doing with my power and brakes when i do so?

5m1FF - 3-10-2007 at 02:56 AM

Fly the kite to about 2oclock, then pull hard on the left line until its flying towards 10oclock, and at the same time run as hard as u can in the opposite direction to the kite. Then once the lines are good'n tight, pull the right handle.

During this whole thing, you shouldn't be on the brakes at all.

Theres a cool animation for pendulum jumps, but i cant remember where it is.

NPWfever - 3-10-2007 at 08:14 AM

I've seen the animation i just wanted some clarification. Also my foil is a 2 line how hard is it to make it a 4 line? Should i hammer the power lines when i jump?

Pablo - 3-10-2007 at 09:35 AM

Timing will be key, if you start to jump before the kite's ready you'll take tension off the lines and not get much lift, Too late and you'll get picked up without assisting the pop. Basically hold on for as long as you can while sending the kite up then as you feel the lift and know your going to go up pop with your legs.

5m1FF - 4-10-2007 at 09:04 AM

And fly away into the clouds :D

NPWfever - 8-10-2007 at 09:59 PM

YAY flying away! not really though (now with a kite) I'll wait for paragliding for that. Speaking of which im trying to save some $ for that and I was wondering if anyone wanted/needed to buy some pics?

Look before you say no "because I'm 15"
(not trying to be mean it's just what i get ALL the time)

BeamerBob - 9-10-2007 at 05:17 AM

I went to take a look and you are set to private.

NPWfever - 9-10-2007 at 02:00 PM

Ohh thats not good lemme fix (by the time u see this comment it will b fixed)