Power Kite Forum

Powerlines, roads, and kites

gmac54 - 6-5-2004 at 03:55 PM

Besides using a sail or wing, what is the trick to kiteskating down roads (dirt or otherwise) that have powerlines. I've heard that with the NPW, you can attach the control handles directly to the bridles. True? Any other suggestions, techniques, or kites besides the NPW that would work for this use?

doomwheels - 7-5-2004 at 12:21 AM

Well, the most obvious trick is to prevent yourself from becoming a crusty chunk of coal that someone once knew. But otherwise, it is possible fly many kites using extremely short lines (2m+/-) or by attaching the handles directly to the bridle. This works well enough on small kites (2-4 meter), however, there are limitations:

*small kites need more wind
*small kites on very short lines need even more wind
*really windy days usually mean gusty and variable conditions

Not to mention that it is NEVER a good idea to fly near power lines. Safety aside, if you were to accidentally let go of the kite and it gets caught in a power line or poll, the electric company may send you a hefty bill for getting it back down (or for the line damage it may have caused).

I don't know what your location looks like, but my best advice is to find a place big enough and free of obstacles that will allow you to really enjoy the sport to the fullest.