Power Kite Forum

New kite recommendation

Deadhead - 23-10-2007 at 01:01 PM

Everytime I Put up a new foil, my wife immeidately graps it and won't let me play. We've got 2m and 3m Rush, 3 m Pansh Blaze, and Beamer III 4m. (haven't started playing with the buggy yes, but I know that too will be absconded with). Did order a Beamer III 2m for her but I know that won't hold her interest long.

Anyyway, can someone suggest another kite to add to be bag? We fly at SLP eery weekend, with winds between 8-30 mph. We're both newbies to 4 line. I just want something that maybe, just maybe she'll leave me in peace and let me fly.


awindofchange - 23-10-2007 at 01:53 PM

If she's dead set on powerkites then you don't have much hope other than to purchase two of each, one for you and one for her. If she just loves to fly and isn't that set on the power, you may want to look into a Revolution kite. It's not a power kite (unless you look at the power models), more of a quad line stunt kite. She may just leave your power kites alone and just fly the Rev.

Other option? Get a buggy and then when you launch, take off really fast and leave her there so she can't take your kite from you. :)

Bladerunner - 23-10-2007 at 02:00 PM

If you weigh 20lbs or more , more than her then you should be able to fly one size larger than her in any given wind.
Get a depower kite. The size may scare her off :wink2:

SecondWind - 23-10-2007 at 04:02 PM

Maybe a Flexifoil Blade would do the trick? The 4.9 gets to be a handful in winds over 15 mph :smilegrin:

I think it's great that she wants to fly - just another reason to have more kites!

art_lessing - 23-10-2007 at 04:21 PM

man a I would love to meet a girly who WANTS to fly.....

kitemaker4 - 23-10-2007 at 05:07 PM

Like snowbird said you should be able to fly one size up from your wife. So when you get to the pass put up a smaller kite for her and then get the next size for you.

Do you know about dead bird? Some of us get together on Galveston for Thanksgiving week and buggy.


Taper123 - 23-10-2007 at 06:32 PM

Hey Pat...

In line with what snowbird said...
I absolutely love my Ozone Access2 that I fly at SLP. There's a 6m for sale in the forum now... Or get a Scorpion :evil:

She might like a bar better than the handles... Depowerables are great for gust munching and the ability to adjust the power a bit... but stick with the small kites until both of you are comfortable with them and in control.
I know you two are not interested in big lift and freestyle jumps or anything... that's why I think the Access 2 is a perfect fit.

Kites are a funny thing as to what is perfect for each individual, but a quality kite will always be enjoyable! (And like Kent said... everyone needs a Rev in their collection)

...other than that, if you get confused... just listen to the music play

Deadhead - 24-10-2007 at 11:54 AM

Thaks all for your input. Have a feeling tho the only good answer is to buy two of everything. Wife was flying the 3.0 Rush in about 18-20 last Sunday, and said it didn't have enough power to pull her around.........weekend before a 1.8 Symphony on handles put her on her butt in about 30 mph- she just laughed and kept flyin. This weekend seh'll try the 4.0 Beamer, and I'll stand around and watch.

Yes Susan we'll be at Dead Bird - at the rate she's going, we'll have two buggies...........


DAKITEZ - 1-11-2007 at 04:04 PM

As said before you are lucky your wife likes to fly !! Maybe if mine liked to fly then I would get alot more flying time.

Deadhead - 3-11-2007 at 07:49 AM

Couldn't agree more, Dish. We do have fun. And it's always nice to have her along when things go awry and we''re faced with a brids nest. She even enjoys untangling such things!

NPWfever - 3-11-2007 at 09:08 AM

What about a pansh? Cheap so you could get her alot.