Power Kite Forum

Hard to believe it workes, but it does.

Pablo - 23-10-2007 at 08:53 PM


Lots of guys say stuff's good, but these guys deffo put their $$$ where their mouths are.

No connection to these guys, but their product seems to get it done. If you're looking to repair a kite it's one option.

powerzone - 24-10-2007 at 07:32 AM

cool... actually that's nearly the same stuff I use in repairs. glad to see its taking on.

great Vid.

thanx Pablo.

B-Roc - 24-10-2007 at 10:00 AM

The first moments of that video are grossely disturbing :o

But that stuff seems to work great :thumbup:

DenisLaMenace - 24-10-2007 at 01:32 PM

surprised you didn't know kitefix. In fact this is a canadian product (by some guys in QC). Many LEI kiters in Quebec have their kit. Many kite reseller here gives the smaller kit when you purchase a brand new LEI.

I do have a one tube, but never had to use it. It works with foils too.

crosshatch - 24-10-2007 at 04:23 PM

Ouch...That was tough to watch :o

Looks like it gets the job done well. Been usin' light spinnaker tape thus far for little holes, but might try that stuff if my kites ever take any major sliceage.

I like how they synched the audio to the impacts. :yes::smilegrin:

Pdxnebula - 24-10-2007 at 06:40 PM

If anyones got the Video saved... & maybe converted to a smaller format plz send it to me I only have dialup & it takes FOREVER to download anything thats streaming...

Nevermind... just downloaded it... ONLY took 1:45 min...

crosshatch - 24-10-2007 at 07:18 PM

Hey Pdxnebula,

Here's a link to kitefix's low-bandwidth version of the vid:

Still 10megs or so, but better than the original filesize.


DenisLaMenace - 28-11-2007 at 08:50 AM

a recent video form some quebec guys in cuba having to fix a kite


never travel without it