Power Kite Forum

New Pansh Ace 4.0m any good?

nwsurfwakeskate - 25-10-2007 at 07:54 PM

I saw that they have the new Pansh 4.0m out now and its selling for $99 with 20m lines, handles and a bag. anybody know if these kites are good? whats the scoop on them? I hear they pull hard but I'm wondering if they have much lift.

SecondWind - 25-10-2007 at 08:17 PM

I purchased a 5m Ace and I thaught it was a good deal. The lines and handles are not that great, but the kite itself was definetely worth $99.

The 5m has plenty of lift.

I think it flew better than the 5m Ozone Haka I had :lol:

Make sure to check out the reviews of the 4m over at www.racekites.com

nwsurfwakeskate - 25-10-2007 at 08:24 PM

do you think a 4m will make a good high wind atb and snow kite?

SecondWind - 25-10-2007 at 08:27 PM

Yeah - for the price, that would be hard to beat. However, I have not read the reviews on the 4m yet.

AirH0g - 26-10-2007 at 09:23 AM

I haven't seen any reviews yet either, i imagine it should be good as the 5m, although all the sizes have there little quirks. If you check out the link below there should be a review coming in a day or so.

Also you could U2U andya over on racekites, i know pansh set him up with two 4's for helping out so much.

tridude - 28-10-2007 at 07:56 AM

Andya over on racekites has the same pass the pansh going with the new 4m. He has two and appears to be circulating one of them. He may have flown it and have input. He is the "unofficial" field General for Pansh and their R&D. He has done alot of field work for them (on his own time and $$), mods, etc..............Log onto RK and shoot him a message.

andya - 28-10-2007 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by tridude
Andya over on racekites has the same pass the pansh going with the new 4m. He has two and appears to be circulating one of them. He may have flown it and have input.

Yep thats true, I circulated my Ace 3.5 round Racekites ... however it disappeared into the depths of a postal strike, only to turn up again yesterday.. :yes:

As a thank you, Pansh sent me 2 Ace 4m. So one of them is doing the rounds on Racekites as the second UK "Pass the Pansh" kite. However the other is sitting here next to me unflown as yet. I've either had, no time, no wind, no daylight, or its been pishing it down.

Initial inspections are good, Pansh have totally redone the rib cuttouts using lots of circles. This will certainly be a bit stronger , and might help the loss on inflation the 3.5 is prone to.

First flight will tell if they have tackled the tip fold problem that I sorted on the 3.5.

He is the "unofficial" field General for Pansh and their R&D. He has done alot of field work for them (on his own time and $$), mods, etc..............Log onto RK and shoot him a message.

Now that's not really true. I just like fiddling with kites and having a $99 kite means I don't mind playing with it. If it gets wrecked, who cares :spin: I don't fly Pansh as a main kite, just a bit of fun.

I wrote up all the AoA stuff I had done, and some people have found it useful, that's all there is to it. Publishing some pretty scathing reviews of their lines and handles seemed to get them thinking, and its good to see the improvements in the latest kites. But that's the limit of it really - no "Field General" (or indeed "Beach General") I'm afraid.

Anyone ordered the Ace 2.5m yet??? (before the price goes up...)

tridude - 28-10-2007 at 05:10 PM

you're too modest "A"!