Power Kite Forum

Dyneema vs. Spectra Same ?

DAKITEZ - 2-11-2007 at 10:53 AM

I read that dyneema and spectra are the same. Spectra was just the USA name for dyneema. I find this hard to believe. Can someone clear this up for me. Thank you

BeamerBob - 2-11-2007 at 10:59 AM

This explained it all to me. It is different but not really different.


awindofchange - 2-11-2007 at 11:32 AM

Here's an interview between Steve from GWTW and Daniel Prentice, kite designer and innovator of Spectra Kite Line. Daniel Prentice is the owner of Shanti.


Should answer any questions you have between Dyneema and Spectra line.

DAKITEZ - 2-11-2007 at 12:25 PM

That answers that question. Spectra is the way to go. Thank you