Power Kite Forum

Blokart Racing Event / Rally

ickyrex - 14-11-2007 at 11:03 AM

There will be a Blokart racing event "RALLY" @ Ivanpah from the 29th of March through the 4th of April. We will be hosting many international competitors and expect to have well over 60 racers. We will be following the NALSA event and overlapping with the NABX event.
We will have a race course set up and be using a timing system as far as I know. We should be able to help out with buggy races since the infrastructure will be in place already. I will check in with Fran and joe Kent from Class action racing to get more info as the event approaches. We are getting a block of rooms set up and Fran will have a suite @ Primm to act as a HQ.
The "Godfather" is back helping to attend the birth of a new wind powered event. Birth announcements to follow, this is just the pregnancy notice.

meg - 14-11-2007 at 06:33 PM

Great News!

Welcome back Fran...it's good to have you back where you belong.

Look forward to the event/race.

PLEASE let us know what we can do to help.


Kiteboarder2B - 15-11-2007 at 11:13 AM

Great! I've gathered a group of 7 wingsurfers and more to come, who are coming down to the states for this event so I wont be so lonely this time. We will help any way we can in order to participate and get our own class of racing.

Wing surfers

ickyrex - 16-11-2007 at 08:21 AM

Great idea, You can set up a separate course, or use the timed one if you can rig transponders. I would suggest not running with the Blokarts as any mishap would do damage to the kiteboarder/ wingboarded.
I would love to see a bunch of Skimbats racing, It must be a rush and mix of wind stealing tactics. Probably less contact than the Blokarts.
BTW, many of our visitors like to bump for fun, keep your tire valves mounted on the inside. "Ben Hur"......

jellis - 29-2-2008 at 03:57 PM

That is great news Jason, because I will be karting with you this year. Glad to hear nabx allowed the event to overlap and you were able to use NALSA rules.

Bladerunner - 29-2-2008 at 04:57 PM

That's great !
By any chance will there be Demo / lessons for folks who may want to try Blokarts ?

bugymangp - 3-3-2008 at 09:26 AM

hey jason
check your snail mail this week. i sent you something.
it will be coming to the store.
see you in a few weeks.

Morrie Williams - 19-3-2008 at 12:44 PM

We may be arriving at Ivanpah early, Mar 29 or 30, with landsailor and buggies. Would it be a problem for us to be on the playa during your Blokart event? Could we piggy back off of your permit and would we need a copy of the permit to display in our vehicle?

ickyrex - 20-3-2008 at 10:16 AM

There is plenty of room there, as you know. As long as you stay off of the racecourse and behave I don't see any issue.
Find me and I'll give you a copy of my personal permit.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

bugymangp - 20-3-2008 at 11:11 AM

hey jason
i`ll be over your house sometime next wed. night. i guess around 8 or 9pm.
see you then.

kitemaker4 - 20-3-2008 at 11:34 AM

Hey Jason

Not knowing what will happen with Superior for the pre-event could you have a copy of your permit for me too. We plan on driving in on Sat. and might just go to Ivanpah.


Susan (npw goddess)

kitemaker4 - 20-3-2008 at 11:37 AM

Hey Glenn

I have most of your buggy put together. You will just have to put the back axle on and tighten the back axle bolts and some of the seat straps. I will also have the tires aired up. Just be sure to check to see if I sabotaged it in any way (he he he).

Susan (npw goddess)

bugymangp - 20-3-2008 at 11:44 AM

hey susan
ok i will.
thanks for turning the wrenches on my buggy.
i`m not bringing any tools with me this year.
i`m trying to save weight in my luggage.
i guess i`l have to give my buggy the once over before the npw races.LOL BTW. i packed more npws this year than foils.
i hope you come right to ivanpah this year. more days of riding for me. LOL
did you find my old shoes in the box??? i want to use them on the playa and then just throw them out after the event.
see you soon.

kitemaker4 - 20-3-2008 at 01:16 PM

I will repack your stuff in a smaller box incuding your shoes.

I think this year I am only going to bring nasa wings and leave all my foils at home.

If we do not make it to Superior for the pre-event we will be arriving at Ivanpah on Sat. of next week. If we do go to Superior we will drive up to Ivanpah on Monday.

Take care until then.

Susan (npw goddess)