Power Kite Forum

Blade 3 6.6 meter

manitoulinkiter1 - 20-11-2007 at 03:08 PM

Hi. I have been kiting for about a year and am looking at a flexi blade 3 6.6 meter kite. Can anyone tell me if this is a good kite for snowkiting in lighter winds (about 10-12 miles an hour). I am looking for something with lift and upwind abilities. I wont say I am an expert kite flier, but I have done quite a bit of kite surfing and some land boarding. Can you tell me the approxamite wind range and roughly what it would be worth?
Thanks Jon.

kiteNH - 20-11-2007 at 04:32 PM

This must be your lucky day.....someone just put one up for sale in the "For Sale" section of the forum. Sounds like fate to me.