matt519 - 25-11-2007 at 11:39 AM
Im kind of new to the kiting scene, i got my beamer II 3.6 about 9months ago i didnt get any real jumps with it, and i want to move up to the beamer
III 7.0m, has anyone had experience jumping with this kite or, should i pick a different one?
Pablo - 25-11-2007 at 11:57 AM
Couple details would help, how heavy are you, average winds you fly in, static, buggy/ATB? Agressive pilot or cruiser?
tridude - 25-11-2007 at 12:26 PM
Beamers will lift but not designed as a jumper. If you want lift you should consider Blades, Crossfires, Begos, and the Ace (fixed bridles). Yes and
your avg winds, weight, and experience will help with size/brand recommendations. Welcome!
NPWfever - 25-11-2007 at 07:27 PM
PANSH ACE!!!!! Dude I swear by mine, it is a super high lift kite and at $200 it's a steal. Or maybe a mandibule, if they still make those. If so does
anyone know about how much they run?
matt519 - 27-11-2007 at 06:33 PM
NPW, ive heard some mixed review about the pansh ace 8m, how fast does it turn, would that be an issue for jumping, and since i only weigh 120lb is it
going to be way to much power for me?
NPWfever - 27-11-2007 at 07:21 PM
My kite is great for jumping, turns fast enough but when you redirect do it hard with some brakes and as soon as you land hammer on the brakes for a
second or else it will overfly the zenith and luff right above you and make a mess of your lines. (Unless you can run really fast LOL!) And I weigh
130 in 10mph wind and have had no issues with it. Of course I am a power nut and plan on making it gruntier, but you should be fine. Just don't go out
in over 15mph wind. (10 at first) But the 5 meter is better for jumping you just need to wait for the wind to hit like 15 before you get good jumps.
And one more thing if you want to live don't launch the 8 in 20mph wind. I really wanted a big jump and i said to myself "eh I have kite kilers"
launched it and got lofted about 10 feet in the air and carried a good 20 feet. Good thing I didn't go right for a pendulum like I always do. Cool though, and yet another stupid idea from NPWfever
Sthrasher38 - 27-11-2007 at 07:36 PM
Blades for serious jumping. Imo. But you need to be ready and have big gonuts if you know what I mean
tridude - 27-11-2007 at 09:03 PM
A 5m or larger sail is suggested for re entry or float--15 mph at your weight the 4.9 Blade or 5m Crossie would do you nicely!