Power Kite Forum

Can you help me?

suzybabe - 4-12-2007 at 06:17 AM

Hi everyone i am new to this site . This is a bit cheeky to ask but i need some advice about buying a power kite. Its not for me i have never used a power kite before but i want to buy my other half one for xmas. He used his mates one a few times and loved it so i know he would love one. The problem i am having is there are numerous sites and i am so confused about the different type ie 2 line , 4 line and different wing spans etc. I aint got loads of money to spend but dont want a really cheap and nasty one. can anyone give me some advice. I know he would like one that would go quite fast and it would be for the beach. :thumbup:

domdino - 4-12-2007 at 07:14 AM

Are you england or america based?

I started on a small blade, 3.0 meter, and although more powerful than many others i think it's a good way to get the learning curve up and running :) was in love with that thing for a while till i took to boards!

Blades: http://www.powerkiteshop.com/kites/flexifoilblade4.htm the creme de la creme of 4 line fixed bridle kites in my opinion!

I also highly recommend the PKD buster... great kite, very stable, lower aspect than the blade and a bit more on the safe side of things!

Pretty much any of the smaller sized fixed bridle foils on here are great though: http://www.powerkiteshop.com/kites/index.htm

I would definitely go with 4 lines, give you more room to expand and you kind of have breaks to make landing easier!

I must admit, i'm kind of behind the times now though when it comes to small kites, as my smallest kite these days is an 8 meter, so someone else might be able to shed better advise!

suzybabe - 4-12-2007 at 07:20 AM

Thanks for the reply,:thumbup: i am in the uk. Have just been looking at the reviews for that pkd buster 2 you mentioned and they all say its a great kite, good price too. Was looking at the 3m length would that be a good starting point for a beginner or should it be bigger or smaller. Sorry aint got a clue on any of this.:rolleyes:

BeamerBob - 4-12-2007 at 07:35 AM

A 3 meter kite is plenty for a first kite. I had experience with smaller kites before I got a 3 meter and was shocked at the power a 3m had. In winds below 10 mph, a 3m is great to learn on. I really think it is fine to go with 4 lines first but I still appreciate the flight time I had with my 2 liners before getting my first 4 line. 2 line kites are loads of fun but just slightly more difficult to fly by yourself since the landing is less graceful. With the 2 line, you have to land over to your side. You then lay your handles down and run towards the kite trying to catch and hold it down before the wind gets hold of it sending it downwind. With a partner, this isn't an issue because the partner can catch it as it is flown slowly down to the ground at the side. With a 4 line kite you can just tip the handles forward and it will back straight down in front of you and then you can stake the handles and most kites will just sit still at attention waiting for you to go fold it up. This will help you learn more about your choices.

Coastal Wind Sports buying guide

domdino - 4-12-2007 at 08:29 AM

3m would be perfect in my opinion :) enough to get him excited but not too small to get him bored of it too quickly :)

He can easily get up and rolling on a board with a 3meter should he want to as well!

Remember, safety first and all that though :) :thumbup:

barnes - 4-12-2007 at 12:53 PM

Nobody mentioned Pansh yet. Pansh is a new company from China making surprisingly good kites, and extremely affordable. A 3m Ace might be a great kite for him to start with.


BeamerBob - 4-12-2007 at 02:17 PM

Many here have discounted how good a Pansh would be for a newbie, because of historically unmatched line lengths and stretchy lines. They also don't include any instructions which would be daunting for a newbie. The Ace has some lift which wouldn't be so good for a trainer kite. I bought one as a second kite and have had alot of fun with it. I intend to buy another one too, but I would stay with one of the old standards for a first kite with no mentor handy.

barnes - 4-12-2007 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Many here have discounted how good a Pansh would be for a newbie, because of historically unmatched line lengths and stretchy lines. They also don't include any instructions which would be daunting for a newbie. The Ace has some lift which wouldn't be so good for a trainer kite. I bought one as a second kite and have had alot of fun with it. I intend to buy another one too, but I would stay with one of the old standards for a first kite with no mentor handy.

I started with Pansh Legend, which is much calmer then the Legend. Keep in mind he has friends if he gets confused on set up. I'm selling my Legend 4.5 which is a great starter kite as well.

DAKITEZ - 4-12-2007 at 04:12 PM

I will agree with the rest on a 3m is a good size to start with and get a quad line ( 4 line ). I won't touch on the brand name, because I haven't flown enough different brands to give a decent opinion..

DAKITEZ - 4-12-2007 at 04:17 PM

just to add ... if your other half likes flying he will be buying many more kites anyway so you can't really go wrong. There are many difference between the kites more than just their size. some pull with little lift and others have lot of lift. just be sure you get a kite with little lift. when you decide on a kite let us know and you will get good advice if its a good one or not for a begginer.

GlideGuy - 4-12-2007 at 04:47 PM


If you're in the vicinity of a good kite school, I'd recommend a gift certificate for some lessons. That way, your Hubby will get a little more exposure to the sport and get the opportunity to fly a variety of kites. Then you can get him to tell you what a great time he had flying the X brand, size Y kite, using the suchandsuch harness...then you can get the exact gear he wants, give it to him for Valetines day and reap the rewards.

Failing that, get hold of his friend and ask him for some advise, he knows the local conditions, which play a big part in selecting gear.

Hope you both have a very Merry X-mas


PS go to the links page and check out all the UK dealer & school info:singing:

suzybabe - 5-12-2007 at 03:10 AM

Thanks for the replys guys, i think i am gonna go for that pkd buster 2 i have seen. I haven't read a bad review about it so far and it is in my price range. I will get the 3m i think thanks all for the info cos like i said i dont have a clue about this. I am sure he will love it as i know from the few times a while back when he went on his mates one he was just constantly grinning when he came home. Thanks all for advice:thumbup:

Bladerunner - 5-12-2007 at 11:20 AM

Thanks, suzybabe for encouraging your husband in this !
You can't go wrong with that choice !
You will have to try as well. If you take it slow and easy the sport can remain less than extreme. Just take a look at the average age of us old blokes !

suzybabe - 7-12-2007 at 02:22 AM

Oh i will have a go definately. Looks great fun thats if i can prize my other half off it.lol.

Pdxnebula - 7-12-2007 at 07:17 AM

Someone needs to also mention ProFoil's from Ted @ Kite Innovations, His "ProFoil" kites are Rock Solid, easy to fly, with plenty of Pull & the 3.5mē would make a good begginers kite with plenty to look forward to, as far as working up to a bigger kite & give him an Idea how fast a smaller kite can be also... Just read some of the Reviews...

BeamerBob - 7-12-2007 at 08:55 AM

My 1.5 can really catch me off guard if a gust hits it. I have said before that I feel the 3 meter kites are big kites to learn kite handling with. A heavy wind can multiply the dangers. Yes a 3-4 m kite is fun and safe in 8-10 mph even for a first timer, but add 15 mph gusts in the mix and someone isn't having fun anymore.
I had scary moments even learning with my symphony when a storm came up behind me and the wind was bumpy at about 35 and suddenly those power lines were closer than I remembered. I was fearful trying to figure out how to get it down and steady without it either blowing away or powering up again even closer to the power lines. I finally pulled it to the side and let the wind push it against the side of my car (kinda like tridude but no video:evil: ) to hold it while I ran over to grab it and stuff it in the back of the car so I could wind up my lines.

Even with these experiences, I got spanked my second time out with my Beamer. I guess to make a short story long, a 3m CAN be a good starter kite as long as the winds are appropriate and consistent. The area of the sail magnifies problems disproportionately. Some good kite killers can save the day.

DAKITEZ - 7-12-2007 at 09:31 AM

well said beamerbob. I also definately recommend kite killers!!! KITE KILLERS are a must have for a beginner !! my first trip out with my 4.8 npw5 I didn't have any and I had to let the kite go, because I was in trouble. luckily I got the kite back, but it was a huge knot. after i got the kite untangled I made up some kk out of some stunt kite straps I had with me just so I could keep flying the rest of the day. I came home and ordered some kk right away. I feel so much more comfortable with the kk knowing if I'm in trouble I can let go.