Power Kite Forum

LEI Flyers?

macboy - 11-12-2007 at 09:56 AM

Does anybody here have any words of wisdom to offer in LEI kites? I'm toying with the idea of grabbing one to try out but don't really know what to look for, what size to get, how "winterable" they are and if they are suitable for land use as well.

Bladerunner - 11-12-2007 at 10:10 AM

Best's Bularoo has extra scuff pads for use on land.
Size depends on your weight and location.

DenisLaMenace - 11-12-2007 at 10:56 AM

any LEI can be flown on land, it all depends on hard you crash it. some models might be better depending on type of wind you have.

If you're not sure buy something used for cheap, there are so many used for sale (on other forums of course). As snowbird post, if you go with a Best (bularoo or waroo), there are so many of them available.

if you intend using it in winter, go for one pump system, faster to set up.

I recently grabbed a LF Havoc 14 2007 brand new for half price in a clearout. But not used it yet. I cant comment on it, but it got rated the best hybrid 2007 kite by some magazine.


manitoulinkiter1 - 11-12-2007 at 02:36 PM

Get a bow kite. I have a Liquid Force Assault and I can launch it (without my board on) and then land it on one side at the edge of the wind window and it will stay there ready to launch while I put my snowboard on. On land it is almost hard to keep on the ground and has almost instant depower, so if a crash is inevitable just let go of the bar and the force on the kite is reduced. I also flew a freinds slingshot turbo deisel and it is very much the same. I am very careful on ice or snow machine ruts cause they will screw up an inflateable quick. I am told and believe that all the bow and bow hybreds are the same. A freind has a havoc and it has the same easy relaunch and super depower. Hope this helps Jon.

Pablo - 11-12-2007 at 05:32 PM

While I've flown the old C kites on land and found them a handful in gusty inland winds, I've never flown a bow kite in anything but smooth winds, how do they do in the gusty stuff?

ripsessionkites - 11-12-2007 at 09:27 PM

I would have to go with a BEST Waroo. They perform well, and even in gusty winds they are stable, and actually back themselves into the wind window. You can even dead launch these kites, as soon as its airborne you just push the bar out, and its 100% depowered.

couldnt tell you what size you need ... but depends what you want to do. I use either a 10 or 13 LEI w/ MBS Comp 16.
PS. I'm a light weight too.

Scudley - 11-12-2007 at 10:15 PM

I would find out what the bladder material is. Then check what range of temperatures it is suitable for. What is nice and plastic at 20°C, may be brittle as hell at -30. They may crack just by inflating them when very cold.
The vinyl seats in mm in car disintegrated by February when I did not install one of those little plug interior heaters my first year in Thompson Mb. (For those in warmer climes, in very cold areas you have two heaters in your car: one so the oil in the block does not turn to tar and one for the passenger compartment. When is is really cold your tires tires can shatter when then wheel starts to turn.)


powerzone - 12-12-2007 at 01:17 PM

one thing i found interesting... a friend told me about is how altitude can mess with LEI bladder air...

if he filled the bladder at the bottom of a slope, then up-ski to the top... the air inside will expand and risk too much pressure blowouts.

the inverse was the same... fill his kite at the top....jump off... at the bottom the kite is floppy.


manitoulinkiter1 - 12-12-2007 at 02:33 PM

My bow kite handle the gusts fairly well. You have to work the depower a little bit by working the bar. If the wind is gusting crazy (like 20 km/h gusting to 35km/h) it is hard if the gusts are to often. On water I flew my 12 meter in 40 km/h with gusts to 55km/h, but that was almost where my depower bottomed out. I wasn,t getting pulled off the board though.
With what Ripsesions said, I fly Liquid Force Assaults and Slingshot Turbo Deisels and either one can be launched directly down wind and then depowered safetly until they are overhead, if you are in the correct wind range.

GlideGuy - 12-12-2007 at 04:16 PM

There's nothing like flying one yourself to help make the decision. The only used one we have right now is a 21M OR Bronco. You can look at it when you're here.
Jeff and Erin have some used medium size Slingshot Fuels that are really cheap and Craig Parson has a Liquid Force Assault and a couple of Waroos listed on his site. You might try getting in touch with them to see if you can test fly one during your visit.

Seen you,

macboy - 13-12-2007 at 07:32 PM

That would be cool but it's such short notice I'd certainly not want to both introduce myself and then ask the favor. I'm new to this and have a sneaking suspicion that it won't be too long that I'm answering the questions I've been asking ; ) You are all such great people that I know the day will come when we start playing with each other's toys. Wolfee is testament to that.

I'm SUPER stoked about Saturday so it'll be my fault if there's no wind (sorry everybody). Think I should bring a few of my own bags out with me?

GlideGuy - 14-12-2007 at 02:54 AM

Hey Mac,

If you have room in the car for your Rage that would probably suit the winds we've had the last few days. If you have the energy you can probably get a couple of extra hours of flying in before or after the course. Make sure your skis are sharp, I was out today and lots of the snow cover is gone on Ghost Lake.

Looking forward to putting a face to the name.

See you on the weekend,
