Power Kite Forum

Fixed Bridle on a Depower Bar?

NPWfever - 23-12-2007 at 04:45 PM

I know I've asked this b4 but I cant remember where...
Would it be possible to put my ace on a depower bar with
the power lines to the outside and brakes to the inside?
I will prob get a depower kite later and dont want to buy
two bars if I dont need to.

barnes - 23-12-2007 at 04:58 PM

I suspect that will work just fine, but you'll need extensions on the inside lines I think.

Bladerunner - 23-12-2007 at 05:45 PM

You can do it but the kite will not perform properly. At the very least you should run the brakes through a single pulley. Then I doubt there would be enough travel on the chicken loop to back the kite down as a safety. You could reach up and grab the brakes to land it.

NPWfever - 23-12-2007 at 07:50 PM

Yeah, can i buy a depower bar and make it a crossover? Or will they pull double duty? Will the ace fly with just power steering? Will letting the bar out brake the kite? As a safety I would see if I could move the stop up farther so when you let go it depowers.

BeamerBob - 24-12-2007 at 06:42 AM

After my brief flight with my 6m Ace yesterday, I can't imagine flying an 8m with no brakes in anything more that a puff of wind. Best case you would probably need help to land it at the side. You wouldn't want an 8m kite powering up again after you landed it at the side and not have a way to tame it.

Taper123 - 24-12-2007 at 08:08 AM

with a cross over bar you can either grab the brake lines, or have a line running between the two... which allows you to land a kite safely.

Kites not designed for depower do not always perform the way you want when you try hooking thme up as a depower. Cross over bars make big kites turn much faster and smoother, but at the loss of brake input. There's a lot more to a depower kite than just hooking up a bar.. profile designs, bridling, etc...

Bladerunner - 24-12-2007 at 09:37 AM

I have always tossed my trim loop and run my safety from the brakes pulley through the bar. I don't think you will get the travel required to activate the brakes with the trim loop on ?

Baluk - 24-12-2007 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Taper123
Kites not designed for depower do not always perform the way you want when you try hooking thme up as a depower.

He's not talking about hooking it up like a depower though. He said power to the outside, if he's hooking it up with power to the center, then yea, it won't fly that wonderfully.

However, i have flown fixed-bridles as a depower (powers thru center) and it its very twitchy, but in the right winds, its quite fun to play around with.

NPWfever - 24-12-2007 at 11:41 AM

Is the Naish crossover bar a depower as well? Or could I rig it that way? I know it has a hole through the center for the KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s. If it is then I will just go with the crossover. But with the crossover bar don't you lose brakes? As in you have no way to brake the kite? Could you hook the KK line up to the harness and slide the bar up and down to brake it? And then hook into the D-loop to cruise? So back to the main question will it fly with powers to the outside and brakes to the inside?

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Baluk - 25-12-2007 at 11:35 AM

The entire point for the crossover bar is for fixed bridles and is to not lose the presence of teh brakes. You still have full safety with it as you would with any bar for fixed bridle kites. Kite Killer running thru the centre to your harness or wrist strap. Granted you do lose some ability of the brakes because you cannot independently move them, the crossover bar pulls on the appropriate brake when you turn.

NPWfever - 25-12-2007 at 03:13 PM

But wouldnt it apply brakes if you slid the bar up and down the leash? Thanks And Merry Chirstmas!

Baluk - 25-12-2007 at 03:33 PM

The leash is like kite killers. You dont pul them to apply breaks for performance. Only to kill all the power in the kite. AKA when you let go of the bar, it pulls the break lines and kills teh kite.

NPWfever - 25-12-2007 at 07:10 PM

I understand that but COULD you use it in that manner? And then hook into the D-loop for cruising? Has anyone else flown an Ace on a crossover bar? I understand how crossover's work I'm just trying to see what my best bet is. Thinkin I'm gonna go with the crossover tho. How do you land the kite? Do you reach up and pull the brakes? And I assume the same for launching to not rocket you up. If I was going along and I got hit by a gust could I reach up and pull on the brakes a little? I know they have that cross line for reverse launching, that is what I am talking about grabbing. Thanks for all your help!

Baluk - 25-12-2007 at 07:13 PM

For launching and landing, just take it to the edge of the wind window. You will not need to use any brakes.

So, when you hook in to the harness with the (bar) strop, why would you want to pull the brakes? to turn?

NPWfever - 25-12-2007 at 11:56 PM

Not to turn like instead of letting the leash take over and letting go of the kite could I just give a slight pull to absorb a gust? Have you flown your ace on a crossover?
Thanks for your help! (Again)

B-Roc - 26-12-2007 at 07:36 AM

It is generally not recommended to fly a fixed bridle kite on a depower bar. Depower bars are designed to have the power lines attahced to you via the harness so depower bars are built structurally different from fixed bridle bars which are intended to have the ends loaded and the centers carrying mimal load.

You could be OK or you could end up snapping your depower bar if you put all the load out on the tips of the bar.

NPWfever - 26-12-2007 at 08:07 AM

Yeah im gonna go with a crossover
thanks guys!