Power Kite Forum

I'm wanting to start selling kites need advice

Teaman - 28-12-2007 at 03:33 PM

Where I live (The Wirral, UK Near liverpool) there are regular traction kite and buggy plus land boarding events at a place called hoylake and Theres a kite fest 4 miles from me every year at the dips in new brighton.
I'm a regular kite boarder now but have been kiting for ages and have plans for setting up a kite boarding school near me, (the tide goes out a long way but there are good places to fly all the time).

What I would also like to do is sell kites and kiteboarding/surfing items in a small buisness type of way.
The location is perfect, the demand is high yet there is nothing around here at all,

I have funds to start one its just I'm not sure how to go about finding a suppliyer, I currently sell scooters, aprilia, piagio, vespa and chinese sukida.
Would anyone here know how I can get hold of some wholesale supplyers, avoiding ebay as they almost charge retail rates.
I'd be very greatfull of any help or advice given.


Scudley - 30-12-2007 at 06:36 PM

I suspect the kite business is much like the bicycle business. The common saying in that line: If you want to make a small fortune in the bike business, the only way is to start with a large one. ;)
Good luck with your venture.

Pablo - 31-12-2007 at 11:13 AM

Sadly he's right, most of us make about enough to buy new gear on a fairly regular basis, some are lucky enough to live a life of bumming around the beach when we're not in the shop.

Do some homework on this one, A fun business surrounded by a great group of guys it is, but there's better ways to simply make a buck.

acampbell - 31-12-2007 at 11:27 AM

I'll second (third) Scudley and Pablo, but if you can afford to be patient, it can be rewarding personally, and later maybe financially.

For suppliers, go directly to the manufaturers and give them a brief description of your plan and the local void you intend to fill. If they do not sell to dealers directly, they will gladly point you to a distributor. Sounds like with the scooters you already have business and resale credentials and that is a good start.