Power Kite Forum

Tried the HQ Montana 3 9.5

DenisLaMenace - 4-1-2008 at 05:28 PM

Hi guys

I had the chance to try the Montana3 9.5 today for about 30 minutes in a 15+18 knots range on skis

First I was impressed to see the good quality material for that price. I think it is close to ozone. Same security, etc.

I liked the shaped where the wind tips are much smaller. Feel like the wind tips wont deflate when turning or losing power.

I just parked the kite, and cruised and I felt the power out of it. Didn't have to sin the kite at all.

I didn't test anything like security, strap, etc.

The kite turns well and flies fast enough when powered. The depower is correct (but less that a flysurfer).

Easy to fly and very powerful kite. I did not jump with it, but I felt it would lift when I moved the kite around 12.

I really was impressed by the quality (except for the chicken look finger) for a kite so inexpensive.

Very good kite for low budget.

SecondWind - 4-1-2008 at 06:44 PM


HQ recently stiffened the chicken finger on all the new MIIIs going out. It was significantly better than the original one that came with my 7m.


acampbell - 5-1-2008 at 03:15 PM

Did you notice that you could park it overhead, let go of the bar and not even mind it long enough to grab a drink or rumage your pockets?