dibbs - 23-6-2004 at 04:30 AM
ive got a 3.0m PKD buster with 20m lines attached as standard. what is the benifits of longer lines and would it be worth getting some?any
doomwheels - 23-6-2004 at 07:22 AM
Longer lines give the kite a larger wind window allowing it to pass longer through a larger power zone. This means as you fly the kite through the
center of the window, the kite remains powered-up longer before resting at the window's edge.
Longer lines also allow the kite to reach up into cleaner wind. This helps if you are flying in an area with poor ground wind.
But longer lines also slow the kite's control response and require a larger flying field.
My personal rule regarding line length is to fly only as long as necessary in regards to the wind and field conditions. I commonly fly between 25 and
30 meters using longer lines only if I need to reach higher to overcome poor low level conditions.
Info: 30 meter lines is a common industry standard for land and water kite traction.
new lines?
BK - 24-6-2004 at 10:31 AM
most people swap the lines on busters because the ones supplied are poor quality
a good replacement would be Ozone Lines
Again if you fly inland 25 or 30m ussually give cleaner air
I use both 25m and 30m sets on a Blade III 4.9m and an Ozone Little Devil 4.5M