Power Kite Forum

NOTICE: Bye-Bye Ivanpah.... (told you so...)

Lack-O-Slack - 10-1-2008 at 09:25 AM

This sent today from Dean Jordan, who asked that I post it here:

News Release
For Release: January 9, 2008
Contact: Stephen Razo 951-697-5217; email: srazo@ca.blm.gov

BLM Announces Additional Public Scoping Meeting for Ivanpah Solar
Energy Project
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces a second public scoping
meeting and an extension to the formal scoping period to solicit
comments on the impacts of a proposed solar energy project in the
California Desert. BLM published a notice of intent (NOI) to prepare
an environmental impact statement in the Federal Register on November
6, 2007 indicating they will advertise and conduct public scoping
meetings to hear about issues for the proposed Ivanpah Solar Electric
Generating System (ISEGS). The BLM formal scoping process that began
with publication of the NOI in the Federal Register has been extended
to run through January 31, 2008.

The BLM and the California Energy Commission (CEC) are conducting a
joint environmental review process of the ISEGS project. The BLM and
CEC planned to conduct a joint informational hearing and scoping
meeting on January 4th. Adverse weather conditions cancelled many
flights and the CEC had to postpone the hearing until January 25th.
The BLM did conduct a scoping meeting but felt it was important to
provide additional opportunities for members of the public that may
not have had the chance to attend on January 4th. The CEC and BLM
will hold another joint hearing and scoping meeting to gather public
input during this early stage of the project.

The proposed Ivanpah SEGS project consists of three concentrating
solar-powered steam, electricity generating plants and related
facilities, covering about 3,400 acres of public lands in San
Bernardino County, 4.5 miles southwest of Primm, Nevada. The project
is entirely located on public lands and proposes to produce up to 400
megawatts of electricity.

This additional BLM scoping meeting will be conducted jointly with a
CEC informational hearing and at the following time and location:

Date: January 25, 2008
Time: 12:15 p.m. site visit (transportation provided)
1:00 p.m. Commission informational hearing/BLM
scoping meeting
Location: Primm Valley Golf Club, 4 mi SW Primm, NV, take Yates
Well Rd. Exit I-15

Brief presentations describing the project and the review process
will be made by the proponent, Solar Partners, LLC, and by the
agencies after which a public comment period will be provided.
Additionally written comments may be submitted by January 31, 2008,
to the BLM's Needles Field Office, attention George R. Meckfessel,
Planning and Environmental Coordinator, 1303 South U.S. Highway 95,
Needles, Calif., 92363-4228, or by fax (760)326-7099 or by e-mail
ca690@ca.blm.gov attention Ivanpah SEGS.

For further information contact Tom Hurshman, BLM project manager
(970)240-5345 or send an email message to tom_hurshman@blm.gov
attention Ivanpah SEGS.


California Desert District Office – 22835 Calle San Juan de Los
Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA 92553- (951) 697-5217

David L. Roan
Outdoor Recreation Planner
Bureau of Land Management
Needles Field Office
1303 South U.S. Highway 95
Needles, CA. 92363

Ivanpah is next...

Lack-O-Slack - 10-1-2008 at 09:36 AM

Yep, the land grab is on.... BLM will and USFS will continue to make big bucks by selling off YOUR BIRTHRIGHT... America's Public lands...

Start NOW to write, call, and pester your Congressmen, Senators, and State representatives....

Join Sierra Club, Western Slopes No-Fee Coalition, and other groups who are fighting this massive push by our government to snatch away our childrens' and grandchildrens' inheritance of public places to play and recreate... BEFORE THEY'RE ALL GONE!

Taking these lands back later will be impossible... once greed is entrenched, the interests of the American people are quickly forgotten... as they bury their minds in their iPods, televisions, and shopping malls...

Stupid should hurt, and this stuff is gonna hurt for a long, long time... where we gonna go, when the last bit of California and Nevada are sold off to the highest bidder?


zloty - 10-1-2008 at 11:10 AM

that suck first beach now this:mad:

USA_Eli_A - 12-1-2008 at 12:53 PM

we should form an alliance and sick AJ on em!

strictlycarved - 12-1-2008 at 12:59 PM

i agree do we have a coalition that fights these sorts of things, if there is any way i can help, post it.

USA_Eli_A - 17-1-2008 at 04:28 PM

my friend Bison is very experienced with this sort of thing. I am writing a letter to the address posted on this thread.

If they are putting this sort of power plant, to generate clean power, then I think we should roll with that. We are a clean renewable energy sport. What a great way to promote renewable energy resources!!!