NPWfever - 12-1-2008 at 06:33 PM
K so I have d'mans 17m Bomba on the way and after seeing wht aparently happens in my dreams at nite......well alot of good ideas come out of
dreams!!!! :P Just wondering if it would work on the standard set up? Just with me hooked in backwards so I am facing the cells.
NOTE: I am not trying to paraglide I am just wondering if I could slope soar at like sand dunes national monument by a dune so I get some good
compression but if I got carried away from the dune I would lose lift and float down.
action jackson - 12-1-2008 at 07:07 PM
barnes - 12-1-2008 at 09:30 PM
Don't even try. People experiment with obviously dangerous scenrios like such, and land owners will learn to ban kiters.
NPWfever - 12-1-2008 at 10:45 PM
Yeah I guess, I would prob chicken out at the last minute. Wonder if it would work, or would I die? Don't really want to find out tho. :P Is that kite
even lifty enough?
speleopower - 13-1-2008 at 07:48 AM
bad idea for sure.
We used to jump of the sand "cliffs" at Kitty Hawk and land at the bottom in knee deep sand. Fun to do but nothing like a hang glider/paraglider
which is what you need to slope soar.
powerzone - 13-1-2008 at 08:32 AM
get a Speed if you wanna dune-glide. those kites double as mini gliders.
we don't endorse the activity, but it does kinda look like fun.
there's a dude on youtube who uses a Speed 17m to do it.
BeamerBob - 13-1-2008 at 08:34 AM
I also jumped off the dunes at Kity Hawk as a child. Very fun to run along the top and then jump off the edge, to fall what seemed like 20-25 feet.
I wouldn't want to fall 50 feet though.
kullas - 13-1-2008 at 09:02 AM
Those are some very nice dunes I went there for the Rogello kite fest this past year