Originally posted by fletcht
I know this has been knocked around a bit but searching just gets me more confused, and the list just keeps getting longer. I'm looking for a wing
that will fly my buggy and I in the days when the winds are around 2- 10 mph.
I love my Pansh Ace 5 m for the 7-12 mph days. I have a PL Rebble 6.5 but even though it is a nice kite and very mellow it does require a bit more
wind then the Ace 5m. So something that will fill the low end gap.
So, any thoughts? Any and all help appreciated. So far I am bouncing around
Pansh Blaze?
PL Reactor 8.3?
Libre Vampir?
Any others? Again I am also trying not to break the bank. Since I have a new Libre buggy on order. The price point on the PL and the Pansh are nice.
Don't have cost on others.
2.0 Ace
3.0 Fury
4.9 NPW
5.0 Ace
6.5 Rebble
Kite Trike
Libre V Max w/bigfoot lights on Order |