Power Kite Forum

need help!

klebre91 - 17-1-2008 at 10:31 AM

I bought a pansh ace7.0 m and I flew it about 4 time I recently tried to fly it and everytime I launched it, it turned and spun to the right. My buddy suggested one of my lines were stretched what do you think. Any help would ne greatly appreciated

leebrianh - 17-1-2008 at 10:52 AM

Make sure you have no tangles in bridle lines and flying lines. If it still does that, check the bridle line length and compare to the other side. Also check flying line length as well.

If it still does that, then bring it out to NJ Buggy Club gathering and have experts(?) look at it :tumble:

USA_Eli_A - 17-1-2008 at 11:46 AM

yup, clear up the lines. I often stretch out my break lines. IF you get just a little too much tension, you'll get stuck in "the pinwheel"...Seems to work out if you "EQUALIZE" your lines occasionally!

awindofchange - 17-1-2008 at 01:28 PM

Simple way to check your lines is to drive a stake securely into the ground on one end, loop all four lines over it and then go to the other end and pull the loops against the ground stake. You will instantly see if any of the lines are out of adjustment.

Usually an inch or so of difference between the lines isn't that big of a deal for power kites, if I am going to adjust my lines then I get them as close as possible, usually within a 1/4 inch. If all lines are less than 1 inch off then I don't usually bother with adjustments and just fly.

If one of your lines or all lines are off by more than 1 inch then you will probably want to re-adjust them. Just untie the knot, slide the sleeving up so that they are all equal and then re-tie them. More on tying your lines can be found with a couple searches on the forum.

If all your lines look equal in length then check your bridle to make sure there are no tangles and that all your bridle lines are the same length from the kite. Also check your handles to make sure that your leaders are all the same length from the handles to the attachment knot. I have seen some handles that have "pulled out" and one leader line was longer than the others.

If all of this checks out, sell the Pansh and buy an Ozone, Flexi or HQ power kite. :)