Power Kite Forum


doomwheels - 16-2-2003 at 08:45 AM

Copied from old forum:

October 13 2002 by paraflysurf  

It is the perfect tool for kitesurfing, kiteskating, snowkiting, buggykiting, kitejumping and even for stunt kites. You always have the perfect control over your kite, what ever the wind tries to do with you.

With this bar you have an unfair advantage !!

Features :

- 2 independent safety systems
- power- / depower-system without limits
- single or dual brake use
- turn time tuning "inflight"
- switching from 4-liner to 2-liner use "inflight"
- the bar can be tuned to your kitesize and -type
- only one bar for all of your kites and kitesizes
- perfect control over front lines and brake lines
- easy relaunch from trailing- or leading edge
- carbon tube, lasered blocks, stainless steel
bearings and metal parts, dyneema lines
- overall weight 500 gramms

If you are interested, visit our homepage.

0041 79 452 27 13

Hope you join the "SPIDER-Family"